Why Women Do Not Apply for Positions in Companies

Why Women Do Not Apply for Positions in Companies

You have a problem if you detect that no woman applies to your jobs, and here we tell you the possible reasons.

It does not matter if you are a small or large entrepreneur, you have a problem if you detect that no woman applies to your jobs, and here we tell you the possible reasons.

The Stanford VMware Women's Leadership Laboratory conducted a study that includes the reasons for this problem and suggests that the answer may lie in the signals that the company transmits about its culture during the hiring process.

In 2019, several researchers from this laboratory attended 84 information sessions organized by technology companies at a university on the west coast of the United States, taking notes on the speech, the combination of speakers, the language, and the images used.

The research found that when the company exhibits a culture where women are not well represented, it will be a factor in decreasing the interest of women to bond. An example of this is that when the host talks about a "culture of hard work," women ask fewer questions. This is compounded when success and performances are tied to stereotypes of binge drinking or working normal hours.

When the slides show an introduction to work that is offered mainly to men in active roles, the participation of women tends to decrease; for example, it is constant to see that within the presentations a man is shown in an astronaut suit, with a high executive profile or leading large meetings. However, when the women are visualized in the slides, they are shown in seductive poses and in tight clothing.


The researchers also found that when the briefings were led by men, they held technical positions; while women played purely auxiliary roles, such as greeting people at the door, handing out T-shirts, or discussing work life.

This leads us to deduce that if the experts who preside over the introductory meetings in a company are mostly men or the images in the presentation are mostly men, or the women are not presented in a professional way, what is the probability that they will be considered the equally capable woman?

Much criticism of public institutions for the few leadership positions granted to women, but little is said about the inequality that exists within the private sector for this gender.

The image that a company gives of its commitment to women should not only be based on the signals found on the diversity and inclusion pages of its website. The following signs are the most important for women when deciding to join a company:

-The number of women and people of color in leadership positions. People often look at company leaders to see if there are leaders like them, such as gender, race, or age.

-Growth opportunities. Women generally must demonstrate their skills to be hired or promoted, while men are generally promoted based on their potential. So a woman will always look for signs that contrast with this reality.

-Opportunities for academic growth and personal development. That development programs are offered that promote professional and human growth is a sign that will undoubtedly attract women to work; because according to the authors of this research, women were enthusiastic about continuing to develop their skills to enhance their abilities.

Once these steps have been taken, lasting changes can be made to ensure that your culture and the signals it sends out resonate widely and overcome the noise of low gender equity that still exists in our countries.

Beyond gender quotas or a discourse of inclusion, companies must work effectively to combat the constant machismo that makes the organizational culture of companies show negative signals for women.

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