Key behaviors and talents required by High Emotional Intelligence (EI) leaders.
Key behaviors and talents required by High Emotional Intelligence (EI) leaders.
Emotional leadership is an issue that has piqued the interest of many organizations in recent years. However, during the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become even more relevant. That is why, according to CEUPE Magazine, the leader in the development of its functions within the organization and as a tool for achieving the objectives set, it must adopt four types of behavior as a form of involvement in the organization's system, these are as follows:
1. Monitoring
This type of behavior appears when the goals set are not being achieved, so the leader must be able to redefine the goals to make them more affordable and realistic, redefine the problem, clarify confusing situations, and provide ideas.
2. Delegation
This type of behavior arises when the goals were perfectly understood, internalized, and committed by all members of the group. That's when the role of the leader is basically to motivate and reduce tensions or differences, reducing steering levels.
3. Advice
This type of behavior arises in the completion of the objectives. That's when the leader's main functions become: motivate, support, and evaluate the effectiveness of the group.
4. Control
As in monitoring, this type of behavior requires high levels of steering and low support. In control, the group is very dependent on the leader, assuming this among its main tasks those of admitting errors, redefining the work, identifying what has been achieved up to that point, and setting new goals.
The best leaders are the people who constantly read and react to what their teams need at the time. Continued learning, talking with the team, and self-awareness and development are the cornerstones to being a strong leader, be it 2021 or 2035 #leadership
— NadeneCanning (@NadeneCanning) May 27, 2021
On the other hand, the heart of leadership is to serve others first, without oneself. Now, the problem is that most organizations operate from a hierarchical leadership structure. Leaders scale positions in an organization and see themselves above their team. Despite the popularity of this trend, most people do not relate leadership to service. Instead of representing humility, influence, and reaching the ground where people meet, most leaders think that being a leader means power and authority, according to the John Maxwell Team Web Portal.
Behaviors of a Leader
John Maxwell was named the "Most Influential Business Leader in the World" by the American Business Association and always dreamed of impacting the world and changing lives one by one. He has remained a student of growth and personal development. Maxwell seeks to reach corporate leaders and consumers to inspire, challenge, and equip organizations to live leadership and reach their potential. He has several books, including the most notable ones are: "The 360 Degree Leader: Developing Your Influence from Anywhere in the Organization", "Sometimes You Win – Sometimes You Learn," "Winning With People," "How Successful People Think," "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team," "Failing Forward," "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently," "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth," "Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership," and "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader."
This latest John Maxwell book, "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader," mentions talents and skills, which are important in a leader's life, and must be developed, fostered, and cultivated in life on a daily basis. The book contains various teachings to help all those who yearn to be effective leaders. Leadership is not power to dominate. Leadership is the power to serve others; leadership is the ability to guide and direct men and women to a common purpose.
-Character: Be a piece of rock.
-Charisma: The first impression can be decisive.
-Commitment: It's what separates doers from dreamers.
-Communication: Without it, you travel alone.
-Capacity: If you develop it, they will come.
-Courage: A brave person is a majority.
-Discernment: Ending unsolved mysteries.
-Concentration: The sharper it is, the sharper you will be.
-Generosity: Your candle loses nothing when it lights up others.
-Initiative: You shouldn't leave the house without her.
-Listen: To connect with their hearts, use your ears.
-Passion: Take life and love it.
-Positive attitude: If you think you can, you can.
-Troubleshooting: You can't let your problems be a problem.
-Relationships: If you take the initiative, you'll be imitated.
-Responsibility: You must have the responsibility to lead the team.
-Security: Competition never compensates for insecurity.
-Self-discipline: The first person you have to lead is yourself.
-Service: To progress, put others first.
-Learn: To stay running, keep learning.
-Vision: You can get only what you can see.
If you hope to have a high-performance team, you need to be a high-performance leader. In this podcast, we discuss what a leader’s role is in leading a high-performance team:
— The John Maxwell Co (@JohnMaxwellCo) May 27, 2021
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