The Quantum Leap: Inspiration To Transform Your Business

The Quantum Leap: Inspiration To Transform Your Business

Undertake, innovate, create, carry out, advance…These are perhaps some of the verbs that come to mind amid the noise of everyday life demanded by the digital world, which also sometimes becomes somewhat dark.

Undertake, innovate, create, carry out, advance…These are perhaps some of the verbs that come to mind amid the noise of everyday life demanded by the digital world, which also sometimes becomes somewhat dark.

The idea is that, in the midst of the digital revolution, there are various opportunities to take that leap that many need at the right time.

The first step was taken by two engineers: Javier García and Oscar Cárdenas, who, thinking about innovating and breaking certain schemes, decided to support many companies in their digital transformation process, always thinking about what would be the best strategy to leave a good experience.

And what one day they dreamed of and made visibly became a reality in a book called "The Quantum Leap" (El Salto Quántico). The story begins to be written five years ago. Javier and Oscar are friends with quite diverse personalities, but that is where creativity is born. They began to work with themes and business models. "One day we came to an issue that has to do with digital transformation: Why if technology is the best…Why in many companies, the results are not as expected?"

A Different Book

With the security and energy that characterizes them, their authors very proudly affirm that it is "a book for business lighting. It is an inspiration to do business transformation. There are many issues that have to do with being, among these, the purposes of each one."

It is about thinking about how these changes allow us to recognize what is happening and how it happens. "Value is very important and the way it is used represents great meaning. We want to help many people, and we tell them that, although technology contributes a lot, it is also important to define their business model."


Another issue is digital maturity: "Many people think that, by having an email, being in networks and answering WhatsApp messages, and having knowledge about Digital Marketing, they are already digital." First, you have to do a self-diagnosis and put it to function the digital senses, that is, how to use everything, to successfully reach the goal.

Javier García assures that, from the comfort zone, companies do not realize what is happening around them. "Today the planet moves at an accelerated rate and many things are happening around us, therefore, the most important thing is to recognize that value that we all have."

And Everything Changed

The point is that you have to be alert, with the pandemic things were totally transformed, and for this reason, it is important that people realize what is happening around them.

When the boom in digital tools began, very few realized what was coming. "Nobody saw coming that, anywhere on the planet, someone with a device could do wonderful things," so something that is raised in the book is that SMEs, especially realize the benefits of digital transformation, for there begins a true business transformation.

"Whoever does not use digital tools and does not realize that the market has changed, and not strictly because of the pandemic, is destined to disappear." This quote is a kind of motivation for the teachings that are reflected in the book "The Quantum Leap," which as its authors say: "It is not digital transformation, it is business transformation."

The book presents some examples of companies that have done too many technology projects and warns about what should not be done, so the same does not happen to SMEs and startups that arise every day.

"We also mentioned that, in 2019, Forbes magazine presented a statistic that said that 87% of large companies go through a process of digital transformation, but some fail." What is sought then is to raise your hand in the face of digital noise, so that your business idea has a true transformation. To achieve this, it is important to find the fundamental purpose. Therefore, it is important to rethink and become the central axis, without being damaged.

The authors of "The Quantum Leap," Javier García and Oscar Cárdenas, assure that it is important that people and companies always have a higher purpose. “These characteristics are going to be good for hundreds of people, who make Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) part of their lives. So it's important to ask yourself: What is your purpose? What do you pursue with that purpose?

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