Punctuality in Your Work Is One of the Most Appreciated Skills

Punctuality in Your Work Is One of the Most Appreciated Skills

Punctuality can help you improve your job success. The Woman Post brings you a clever yet simple strategy by which you can change the lateness habit and become an early arrival who gets more done during the workday.

Punctuality can help you improve your job success. The Woman Post brings you a clever yet simple strategy by which you can change the lateness habit and become an early arrival who gets more done during the workday.

Reporter and humorist Franklin P. Jones once stated, "The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." And surveys seem to validate this. According to SkillActz, about 15% to 20% of people are late to reach their offices.

The impact of punctuality on personal and professional life is high, but unfortunately, many people do not realize this. You've heard of the adage "the early bird gets the worm." Then why are most people rushed or late?

What will happen if a doctor gets late to reach the operation theatre or a candidate is late for the interview appointment? These are instances in our life when we ensure not to be late. Why? Because they are essential to us and can change our life.

Why Punctuality Matters?

Punctuality is one of the easier habits to practice, and the benefits are many. Dale Carnegie was right when he said, "If you want to win friends and influence people, be punctual." No wonder that successful people follow this mantra. Make it your mantra too.

Most people usually delay and dawdle by doing things that distract them and then rush at the last minute.

Looking at a job scenario, being unpunctual creates many work-related problems, like:

-Speeding on the way to work and get caught in traffic.

-Feeling rushed, so you are unable to smile and greet co-workers pleasantly.


-There's no buffer time to catch your breath or plan work before you have to plunge into work, leading to your output is less than perfect.

-Worrying about how your co-workers perceive you. Maybe they'll think you are scatterbrained (all adding to the stress).

Now imagine: You always arrive early and build a cushion of time that will protect you from undue stress. You'll feel positive, relaxed, and in control. In addition, people consider you reliable and will respect you.

Being on time shows respect for self and others. In today's competitive world, by being punctual, you stand out, and you give yourself a reputation. This branding opens up opportunities for growth in the future.

Six-Step Punctuality Strategy

To be punctual is not tricky. Initially, it might seem like a task, but gradual and consistent effort will be easy to attain.

A good practice to be punctual is to keep a timetable and a clock with you at all times. The best way to set yourself up for success is to make an early start. Arrive 15 minutes early for all your appointments. This might sound easy, but life often gets in the way of completing this goal, so beware.

1. Monitor time required to get ready.

2. Estimate your commute time.

3. Add 33% more time to the total time of your morning routine and your commute.

4. Arrange everything required the previous day.

5. Don't check your phone when leaving home.

6. Relax and enjoy the commute.

Follow this six-step strategy, and you'll be on time every day. Punctuality is a mindset, and the "punctuality habit" should be a permanent fixture in how you approach any professional and personal appointment.

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