The traditional products for menstruation and the lack of education about the female body are causing profound gender inequalities.
That is why “Bloom cup Colombia”, a company created by women, the new company for menstrual products, decided to create an integrated solution that includes sustainable menstrual products, like menstrual cups, which last 10 years; and special women´s underwear. In addition, this company, analyzing data, started an educative program about Sexual, Menstrual, and Reproductive Rights, well, according to UNICEF 1 in 4 girls have stopped attending school due to their “horrible experiences with menstruation“; and also, according to the information given by the ICBF, 1 in 5 teenagers between 15 y 19 years old have been pregnant. These important statistics were the beginning of this meaningful campaign, having as an objective to decrease many of the social problems that surround many women.
Moreover, Bloom Cup, expressed that they are a social enterprise with more than 5 years in the Colombian market, which has managed to avoid about 1,700 tons of CO2 by reducing the consumption of disposable products, which is equivalent to 12 million KM by car. Also more than 1.5 million tons of garbage and savings of more than USD 6 million for its users. Besides working with society, this firm is also creating an environmental impact that benefits all of us long-term.
On the other hand, thanks to the investment of companies, schools, NGOs, and foundations, they were able to bring the program to more than 4,000 women in 40 locations in the country, contributing to 6 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. According to this, it is valuable to mention their ability and effort to become an agent of social change in helping women all around Colombia, and also, without forgetting, the environmental challenge they are taking ahead, another factor of importance in the contemporary concerns, which is time to take care of.
From the company sight, they stated: “Today we are the only sustainable menstrual care brand that offers various products to improve the menstrual experience, with eco-friendly packaging, a 0% interest financing program, mentoring so that users never feel alone, and a menstrual academy capable of providing education, products for a dignified menstruation and measurement of impacts”.
This comfortable, conscious, and human alternative for women is a great advance taking a step ahead on social necessities, well, they are not only offering useful products, but also helping the environment, talking about different kinds of violence women suffered, and giving a different social perspective, like leaving aside the idea of the menstruation as a taboo, or something that they called as “menstrual poverty”; Bloom Cup pretends to promote the diversity, the acceptance, and consciousness, thinking on women.
All this project works from the perspective of contemporary society, with all its problems and situations, taking menstruation, and other topics around women, like any other process or issue that impacts physically, mentally, socially, environmentally, etc., but that is not taken with the importance it deserves to, making it invisible. That is the purpose of Bloom Cup Colombia, a company by women, and for women, that want to show life itself from a different perspective.
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