Today many options allow us to obtain skills and knowledge that prepare us to acquire new roles and undertake and encourage us to land ideas in the commercial and economic world.
Today at THE WOMAN POST we present a course that will surely attract your attention.
Every day women face new challenges in labor matters, which is why a new business profile has been taking shape that increasingly categorizes the growing wave of women in managerial positions. This course leads us to reassess the role and importance of women in society, provides us with inputs and training from experts to reflect on what it means to be a leader, learn about the process and what the skills needed for the technical and communicational level to achieve optimal results and face the new challenges that this new insertion entails.
The objective of “Mujeres Poderosas” is to generate active participation of the female gender in the different levels of society, promoting their empowerment, strengthening their skills, and improving their communication and leadership capacities, as well as:
• Empower women as leaders in the public and private sectors.
• Strengthen skills and abilities in the business field.
• Promote the participation of women in positions of power.
• Know and take advantage of new information technologies.
• Recognize through positive experiences of women the importance of female leadership.
It is important to highlight the conformation of the course to satisfactorily meet its objectives, where the methodology will be worked on four axes that encompass two fundamental components: soft skills and communication. On the one hand, soft skills or soft skills will allow women to recognize and recognize themselves in an environment beyond work and perceive the world in a more holistic way where feelings, context, and their immediate reality connect with their work environment, which is What allows the development of these socio-emotional skills according to Espinoza and Gallegos (2020) is that they facilitate good performance in any area.
This component will address both human development and female empowerment and from there will address issues of:
• Problem solving and negotiation.
• Decision making.
• Planning and group work.
• Innovation and creative process.
• Flexibility and willingness to change.
• Behavior and emotions.
On the other hand, there is the communication module made up of everything related to business management and marketing, and image, where the internal and external characteristics of the participants will be deepened to contribute to the development, strengthening, and formation of the leadership that is so important. in any organizational environment. In the same way, it is important to know your strengths and weaknesses when managing daily dynamics; its correct implementation encourages the achievement of objectives within organizations (Bolaños, 2020). To fulfill the purpose of this module, the following topics will be addressed:
• Projects management.
• Digital transformation.
• Social media.
• Telegeny and oratory.
• Crisis management.
• Fashion and business.
It is essential to point out that “Mujeres Poderosas is an express course and in no way represents academic material, rather, hand in hand with cutting-edge formats/techniques and experts in the field, we provide training and updating input to women within an organizational context seeking to strengthen and improve their communication and leadership skills and abilities.
More information: Diana Paola Medina Casas, Director of Monitoring and Strategy.
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