The presence of women in the professional field of architecture and engineering has been invisible, and, in addition, they are a minority. Some managed to experience the labor field and fortunately have achieved success.
A study published in UN Women about Latin America and the Caribbean recently revealed the need for more women in STEM careers because the paradigm that prevents girls from choosing and entering these careers must be broken. The figures show that the outcomes of inequalities between men and women in STEM careers are highly complicated. However, even though women are the majority of the population, only a minority can succeed in these careers.
The Spanish Institute of Women revealed that the students enrolled in architecture and engineering careers are only 31.44%. In men, it is 79.92%, that is. These actions taken by women have become a cause for great concern in the sectors at the general level and the personal level.
Another Study of the Gender Gap That Exists in STEM Careers
An analysis published by the Center for Regional Economics and Policy of Adolfo Ibañez University revealed a study of what women prefer through a list of university applications. This survey showed the inequality between men and women within STEM careers. The important thing about the report is the potential of the information and work towards achieving equality in preferences.
In recent years, the Institute for the Future of Education of the Technologic de Monterrey Observatory surveyed female students to reflect the percentage who want to study STEM careers. Still, to the greatest surprise, they only achieved 31%. These figures suggest that only 618 women are interested in learning these careers.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) indicated that this problem of equality, equity, and inclusion did not only occur in some countries; it was a problem worldwide. This showed great concern, as only 30.5% of women are included in STEM careers. Likewise, experts believe that the role of women in STEM careers should be raised to achieve the total inclusion of women in these disciplines.
Let’s Break the Cycle of STEM Career Selection Together
An article published by Paula Szenkman and Estefanía Lotitto in the CIPPEC Journal – Public Policy Document indicates that 6 out of 10 university students are women and only 25% of the total study engineering or applied sciences. These percentages create expectations and different approaches in women and make it more challenging to obtain achievements and recognition.
Women face day-to-day barriers and obstacles in the labor market. However, equality in recent years has opened a door of opportunities ranging from knowledge to economic development.
Forcefully, the technological field requires a series of skills and, above all, technical and digital advances to innovate and provide abundant opportunities to women in these careers. Even the participation of women guarantees the closing of the gender gap, labor inclusion, and increased productivity.
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