Women face barriers in leadership every day, such as lower-paying jobs, incompatibility with professional development, self-worth, glass ceiling, corporate ignorance, and direct discrimination.
A recent study called “The Gender Gap in Employment: What Slows Down the Advancement of Women?” published on the official website of the International Labour Organization (ILO), reveals that the participation of women in the world of work is 49%. However, it is at 75% for men, that is, a 26% difference. Even in some sectors, it exceeds 50%. Therefore, finding work is more complicated for women than men because of their vulnerability.
Unemployment among women is more than 16% across the board because women tend to help mainly with household chores or family businesses. The findings show strong figures from a survey conducted between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Gallup, which gave a remarkable 70% that women prefer a paid job. However, the analysis also shows that several barriers keep it out of the economy. On the other hand, 20% of men consider it unacceptable for women to work, and 14% of women think the same way.
What Are the Barriers Women Face?
Another study called “How to combat the wage gap between men and women,” published by the European Union, reveals gender inequality and the economic and social sectors involved.
1. Discrimination: A study on the perception of age discrimination in employment in the European Union revealed that age in women is a factor of discrimination. However, this social phenomenon is linked to different circumstances based on the social, economical, productive, and technological changes that society has been experiencing in recent years. In addition, the data obtained in the report indicates that the margin between sex and age guarantees the quality of work and remuneration.
2. Different jobs and sectors: Women hardly look for different positions to reach a remuneration that goes according to their family expenses and thus be able to build opportunities.
3. Devaluation of women’s work and skills: According to recently published studies, women are denigrated for their abilities. These data show that it is urgent to intensify efforts to ensure recovery-oriented responses to eliminating violence against women.
4. The low representation of women in senior management positions: A recent study called “Women Managers 2021: A Window of Opportunity” published by Grant Thornton reveals that progress toward diversity and inclusion has moved slowly. However, due to the pandemic, they diverge in regressing the process of gender parity. The Women in Business 2021 report details the representation of women in senior management positions and points out that it is transformed in a staggered way in favor of women.
5. Reconciling family and work life: In recent years, the process of reconciling the female gender in the labor sector has increased. However, there is no process of incorporating man into domestic activities. According to an article published by Sol Ruiz de la Cuesta Fernandez from the Center for Women’s Studies of the University of Alicante, it is difficult for working women with family responsibilities to reconcile.
Benefits of Closing the Gender Pay Gap
According to some recently published studies, the European Union points out the benefits of eliminating the women’s wage gap:
1. Creation of a more just and egalitarian society.
2. Creation of a quality labor sector with good remuneration.
3. Benefits across the economy, businesses, and workers.
4. The decrease in judicial processes.
5. Recovery of economic growth.
In short, female one-hour wages are approximately 16% below men’s. This income affects future rights and causes poverty in their old age.
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