For The Woman Post, women’s well-being is a priority. That is why; it shows you the most recent studies that emphasize the reality of the world of women who live this event.
Recently a study conducted by a group of expert women, such as Martha Hickey, Myra Hunter, Nanette Santoro, and Jane Ussher, called “Normalizing Menopause” published by the thebmj Magazine revealed that menopause is a natural event for half of humanity, that is, women. According to, experts this event denotes the period of final menstruation. However, on the contrary, it is used to describe the transition and negative changes of the woman. Society even implements this transformation of the menstrual cycle to discriminate and exclude a group of women. The data collected indicates that women struggle to cope with the symptoms of menopause and seek hormone treatment.
The study’s findings demonstrated that socioeconomic status, educational level, and social and cultural attitudes toward the event act as biological factors such as hormonal changes. Even smoking, diet, and body mass index determine the nature and severity of women’s menopause experience.
On the other hand, medications tend to emphasize the negative aspects of menopause in women. Experts believe that medicalization greatly increases women’s anxiety and apprehension about this natural span of a woman’s life. That is why the study concludes that it is necessary to change the narrative to normalize the process of menopause and emphasize the positive aspects. These actions could empower women to manage menopause with greater confidence.
Martha Hickey, Obstetrician, and Gynecologist; Myra Hunter, Clinical Health Psychologist; Nanette Santoro, Obstetrician, and Gynecologist; Jane Ussher, Critical Health Psychologist, believe that social and cultural attitudes contribute to the varied experience of menopause and that medicalization fuels negative perceptions.
Menopause = women + changes + transformation + attitude
Recently an article called “Attitudes towards menopause: time of change” published by The Lancet magazine revealed a comment by Zoe Schaedel and Janice Ryder in which she considers that there are misconceptions and obstacles to menopause care. Both experts suggest that stigma, shame, lack of public awareness, and lack of communication mean that menopause is silent suffering that requires hormone treatment and estrogen replacement.
The experts in their article resort to official data in which it is estimated that symptoms occur between the ages of 45 and 55 and show hot flashes, irregular periods, night sweats, reduced sexual desire, low mood and anxiety, poor cognitive performance, and serious sleep problems.
The edition comments that menopause does not have to be like this, because it is an event of the woman’s life and it is considered that it can be a time to renew life, and relationships and improve future goals Specialists suggest that this event can be an opportunity to implement preventive and screening strategies to reduce the risk of cardiometabolic diseases and allow women to live longer routes, and healthy.
Forcefully, menopause has long been a taboo that is treated negatively. However, it is time to make a change and transform these myths. It is important to note that a woman’s identity and worth do not have to be measured by the end of her fertility. This stage of life can be an occasion to emerge a new beginning in a productive, healthy way to help them cope and achieve their full potential.
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