Unquestionably, one of the effects that the pandemic left on consumption habits was the increase in online purchases, particularly by women.
A new report from the Capgemini Research Institute, What Matters to Today's Consumer, reveals the wide-ranging impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior and preferences.
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Previously, some taboos and fears were mentioned regarding online purchases, since arguments were supposedly raised such as lack of credibility, possible risks when providing information, but gradually and as a result of the pandemic, purchasing habits have changed substantially and particularly if the buyers belong to the Z or Millennial generations, for whom online shopping is already a daily part of life.
This phenomenon necessarily forced stores and merchants to offer their products differently, to update their web pages, and finally offer a differential experience to gain a greater percentage of the market. Likewise, if you are an entrepreneur or have been in the market for a long time, it is key to respond to these new modalities and habits.
As stated by Juan Alonso de Lomas, President and Director of L'Oreal Spain and member of the ClosingGap Board, women are acting as the driving force in the transition towards more responsible and sustainable consumption, two values on the rise and very necessary in the context current” and adds: “The woman is positioned, therefore, as a reference in the advance towards the circular economy and is established as a role model for the new generations”.
Although days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday have been on the air for several years, what is certain is that they have increasingly had to respond to the dynamic and demanding requirements imposed by buyers, following global trends in 2022 and the increase in female consumers:
• Decoration of your environment.
Once the place of residence has become more important and where they spend most of their time there, they will surely make more and more decisions to redecorate and acquire elements that make the spaces more welcoming.
• More personalized brands and products.
They opt for brands and products that provide customization, that adapt to tastes and preferences.
• New sectors.
Normally the preferred searches were leisure, fashion, and tourism, but they will surely add technology, and health and wellness products to their shopping carts.
• Create a Community.
Recommendations and suggestions through groups and communities will be important elements in purchasing decisions. Women are more likely to recommend those products that have met their expectations.
• Sustainability and responsibility.
Sustainability, responsibility, and eco-friendliness will be aspects that will be considered when offering garments or products, and thus you will be able to promise a greater contribution to the planet or a reduction in carbon footprint.
• Flexibility and comfort.
Aspects such as ease and flexibility in the purchase process are essential if brands want to provide the feeling of providing a good experience.
• Brand loyalty.
A certain level of loyalty to certain brands is preserved, but a whole new range of options opens through social networks, where they can choose from thousands of offers, which challenges them to innovate.
• Visual impression.
The saying that says "A picture is worth a thousand words" takes effect. Graphic design, photography, and color selection will be a plus when offering products and creating posts on networks and pages, and in this way, you encourage the purchase or acquisition of products or services.
This is how the percentage of female consumers online has been increasing, as well as their demands and demands towards brands, products, and services to which the offer must be attentive and respond appropriately. Even if a "do not buy anything day" has been established, it will be more difficult every day to achieve it.
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