Achieving Guidelines for Raising Successful Children

Achieving Guidelines for Raising Successful Children

Whether they get good grades or discover their gifts and talents, most parents strive to prepare their children for success. 

Whether they get good grades, find their passion, or discover their gifts and talents, most parents strive to prepare their children from an early age, to give them tools that allow them to achieve success.

Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek is a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia and the author of more than 14 books, including "Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells About Raising Successful Children."

The expert wrote this book because there is a huge gap between what she knows about the science of learning and what parents are doing with their children. In an interview with Ingenious Baby, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek warned: “we all want to have children who are successful, bright and happy, and yet what we are doing is being so scared that sometimes we are turning our children into little robots."

Having children memorize things instead of having a passion for studying and acquiring good social skills makes them almost automatons.

The first skill to be successful in relating well with other people. It turns out that those who don't know how to get along with other people to build communities and don't have the social skills to stop before doing something inappropriate, cannot develop the skills they need in the classroom.

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Success is not built around the narrow confines of memorizing our math facts and learning poetry. It is based on a lot of skills, which are the skills we need in the 21st century,” says Dr. Hirsh-Pasek.

Collaboration, communication, critical thinking skills, creative innovation, and the confidence to do so is the path to success. Parents must prepare their children to learn and love learning.

These are not soft skills; instead, they are the foundation of all learning that will come throughout life. On the other hand, what children do outside of school is very important.

The doctor points out that 20% of the child's waking time is at school. That means that 80% of your waking time is out. To help them be productive during this time, there are 120,000 so-called educational apps for preschoolers on the market right now.

Another way is to allow children to experiment with building toys such as Lego blocks to help children develop STEAM (science, math, engineering, art, and math) learning. It turns out that the ability to control us socially together owns 70% of how you will look when you enter school in the STEAM domain.

Taking time to tell stories and letting the children tell their stories is also essential. Sometimes they may not be good stories, but even a two-year-old has something to tell you about her day.

One of the biggest mistakes parents make when raising young children is that adults sometimes deal with the constant text messages that come with constant phone messages and emails. Children notice when their parents do not look them in the eye.

The most significant scenario a parent would want is to see their children as adults living a life full of happiness and satisfaction. As Dr. Hirsh-Pasek's research has shown, the best way to raise successful children is to teach them to be sociable and confident.

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