Stunning Women Take TEDxBogotá Women 2020

Stunning Women Take TEDxBogotá Women 2020

The 2020 version of this event features 8 female protagonists, classified as bold, brave, challenging, and daring. 

The 2020 version of this event features 8 female protagonists, classified as bold, brave, challenging, and daring. This great event has an engine with a name and surname, Mauricio Salazar.

The TEDxBogotá event has been scheduled for a long time. It will be next November 28 when the world will meet 8 women who, with their ideas and their daily work, make a great commitment to change an entire country from different perspectives and impact, focusing their daily efforts to this end and in this, their soul and their life go to them. Only in this way can changes be applied to the destinies of a country, with their soul and their life!

The man who makes TEDxBogotá a reality every 12 months since the event took possession of the Colombian capital, back in 2010, is Mauricio Salazar who describes himself as “a person in love with service and generating actions of value that positively impact society”. He is driven by the desire to set a good example for his 7-year-old son, Jerónimo. His actions are guided by the conviction that one lives one day at a time "because tomorrow we might not be there." He learns every morning and every afternoon by working tirelessly, bringing together intellects, powers, and knowledge and conspiring in a positive way so that his engine and those of his team can benefit society.

Each version of TEDxBogotá has a specific purpose never different to make visible and share ideas that, with a reference framework in a thematic axis chosen annually, are exposed to Colombia and the world with the purpose of making a country: “What we have done to open the minds of Colombians is to connect people who need help with those who can provide it. Colombians are resilient, we have the ability to reinvent ourselves to move forward because we have lived in a conflictive country that has made us creative."                                                   

The Stage is for Women

Under the slogan of TEDxBogotá Mujeres 2020 “We open a space for those audacious, brave, challenging and daring women who, with their work, are generating changes through powerful ideas and that is how we recognize them. We want them to make their power visible so that society can advance”.

The “audacious” women chosen by TEDxBogotá this year have gone through a long selection process through a call made up of many names whose actions and ideas are analyzed by a team that filters the most impressive examples until there are eight left whose work dignifies their communities. They are women, explains Mauricio Salazar, “agents of change from different scenarios such as climate change, literature, the arts, technology and education”, among other topics.


The chosen ones have not yet been announced but their purpose to do much for many identifies them. Their names will be revealed a week before TEDxBogotá is held, on Saturday, November 28 at 4 in the afternoon, but “they are women who have written books, who focus their efforts on technology, nature, musical expressions taken to the activism, service ecosystems and education”, explains Salazar. They will be exposing their ideas to the world in a presentation for which each one will have a maximum of 18 minutes.

Mauricio Salazar and his organizing team of TEDxBogotá, recognize the values ​​of Colombian women and, for that reason, they were chosen as the thematic axis of the 2020 version: “The Colombian woman -in my words- breathes light, radiates abundance in their actions He has to deal with daily scenarios of limitations, he brings forward his family and his environment and that is why I say that there is no great man without being chosen by a great woman. There are thousands of women in our country who take the lead of their own and in that they are ahead of men”.

Free Access

TEDxBogotá is a free event, with versions in other countries under the license granted by TED, whose axes run between themes defined by their initials: Technology, Entertainment and Design. Anyone can access "because when we share the good there is no reason for there to be money involved." The audiovisual material that remains as a result of this great meeting is available to everyone on the YouTube social network.

This year explains its organizer Mauricio Salazar, “we have the support of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá through the Ministry of Development and that is because it is understood that women are making a great effort to move Colombia forward, especially in this crisis in which the pandemic has put us. Also the Andean Area University participates with its collaboration, in addition to the Collective Social Foundation”.

By the way, this foundation was created by Salazar to whom altruistic purposes move according to his country, Colombia: “We develop projects, we promote knowledge through the connection between people and organizations, we induce collaboration with sources of thought and action and we seek solutions of high impact that are capable of permeating our society”.

Positive Changes for Colombia

TEDxBogotá has given Colombia a lot in the 10 years of activity: “We have promoted paradigm changes, opened opportunities, we give ideas to end hunger, we exalt freedom and we demonstrate that Colombia is an abundant country in which there is for everyone if the economic changes are visualized with eyes of the future”.

All the information that interested parties need is available at

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