It is important that in the Information and Communication Technologies sector the presence of women is strengthened.
First, we have to make ourselves visible … Know ourselves. It is important that in the Information and Communication Technologies sector the presence of women is strengthened.
Thinking or talking about what they call Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much more natural and normal than is believed. This term is already in the imaginary of this so-called Information Society, which is woven to the point of clicks, and in which the role of women is decisive and important, for the strengthening of many sectors, including that of the economy.
AI reaches today in a surprising way too many scenarios of daily life and this is what Catalina Rengifo, a woman 10 or better 100, knows, because, from her experience in the international company IBM, she is in charge of motivating hundreds of women, so that they see technology as their best ally.
To achieve this, it is important that women receive constant training in the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in order to become familiar with terms such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Computing, all this, in order to adapt to devices, to generate learning and knowledge processes.
And precisely the program led by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC) – Por TIC Mujer -, where the IBM company has a strong presence, has reached the various regions of the country to make women aware of the importance of ICT, for its various projects.
The woman in charge of managing relations with the governments of the countries of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Costa Rica at IBM is Catalina Rengifo. From her role, which is very hand in hand with the technology sector and entrepreneurship, she constantly motivates women to click, not only on their computer but also on a daily basis.
“Yes, you can do artificial intelligence and learn from the Cloud. To this, you have to make sense of it, and especially open your mind to new things to strengthen entrepreneurial processes,” she says.
Also read: Click, With a Woman's Touch
And most importantly: "How through technology it is possible to make way for the economic reactivation of the country, focused on closing the digital divide, in order to generate new and better opportunities, impacting more and more women."
Between roles and clicks
According to Rengifo, three out of four companies are already exploring the field of Artificial Intelligence. And it is important that companies promote this type of technology and understand how this digital ecosystem moves.
It is very important to learn from what is happening in the world. "For this reason, aspects such as Artificial Intelligence and the Cloud are compared to what it was for our Internet generation, a few years ago", and today it is impossible to conceive of the world without Internet.
For Catalina, it is important to generate a universe of possibilities for women, to click with them. And this is a work that generates impact, and from the High Council for Women, the MinTIC, and IBM, whose central axis is the search and articulation of projects recognizing and enhancing the talent of women who have done and will be part of various initiatives.
From IBM, projects related to Artificial Intelligence will be implemented aimed at businesswomen who need to strengthen their business, through programs and various learning, so that they make their decisions and become part of the so-called Digital Ecosystem.
Artificial Intelligence: Between ICT
Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and the Cloud are a reality in this imaginary that is lived every day. And the idea is that many women do not see them as something far away – as something that is unattainable up there – but rather that they are part of this transformation.
It could be said that all this change in terms of technology is something like this, like a metamorphosis, and devices such as cell phones, tablets, watches, among others, are part of this scenario, because they allow, by just clicking, to locate ourselves in our cities, access our musical preferences, in addition to identifying tastes of other users, and creating a community to connect with people. And there precisely are indications of Artificial Intelligence.
"In fact, the transformation is already taking place, and over time one hundred percent of jobs, industries, and professions will be transformed by Artificial Intelligence," Rengifo said.
Finally, Catalina Rengifo, added that in Colombia approximately 62,000 professionals are required in the field of Information and Communication Technologies to respond to the needs demanded by the digital ecosystem. We hope that these spaces will be occupied by many women in the near future.
Social Networks: Twitter: @CatyRengifo & #JuntasSomosMas
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