Are We Aware of The Importance of Data In Our Life?

Are We Aware of The Importance of Data In Our Life?

Globalization demands a new way of "doing" and in this way the need to adapt to an era that demands great challenges.

Globalization demands a new way of "doing" and in this way the need to adapt to an era that demands great challenges.

Humanity can never be replaced, but the ways in which processes are conceived to advance in contexts where methodologies change and intervene in an exact way.

A look back in time establishes that the 4.0 transformation has its foundations in the 4.0 revolution, that is, what is currently known as the data era: a stage inherent in the existence of people, a lifestyle, which is framed under a big environment, which due to its meaning, becomes essentially complex, uncertain, ambiguous and volatile. In this sense, the adaptation process that humanity assumes requires understanding its subsistence from reality itself and making it possible. Based on it, dynamics that implicitly lead to knowing other routes of action within the work, academic and commercial settings in the that the way of communicating changes to obtain results that respond to what is sought under a system that solves what is expected with just one click.

The before or after the pandemic has not been the excuse to understand that survival is not a straight line, but that transformation 4.0 in its curves can be within the reach of any social or corporate group. It is only about approaching what this broad digital spectrum characterized by technological enablers offers big data, data analytic, artificial intelligence, internet of things, machine learning, and other tools that are generating an impact on society, companies, and so on that determines the common citizen in its essence: experiences, everyday life, experiences that are part of that trace that identifies him in this world.

For this reason, as John Alexander López Álvarez, an electronics and telecommunications engineer, who holds the position of Technical Account Manager at Claro Colombia, explains, the challenge for companies of this century lies in the need to promote a cultural transformation in their collaborators; In other words, to seek the construction of a conscience that is aimed at understanding that the traditional mentality towards the management of methodologies must migrate from a completely analogous world to a digital one, allowing a gradual convergence so that digitization occurs between the different groups of interest, leveraging the business to other methods in order to achieve innovation.

This means that "transformation 4.0 cannot be partial, all departments of any organization must begin to speak the language of this transformation, horizontally, vertically, transversely from the commercial side to the logistics." A change that begins precisely in the habits, customs and practices that both officials with a career in a given company and those who come to an entity for the first time, couple to optimize procedures and align their thinking towards a new perspective; look that demands risks and an open conception in the approach of other learning. "If your client or user is speaking digitally, either for billing issues, digital signatures, or processes in this route, all people must know what it is about and how these advances work," said John López.

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Experiences already demonstrated in the operation of some organizations, make visible how machines have replaced humans in some tasks, clarifying that they have been assigned to these robots because they are repetitive and stand out for a mechanical process that only devices specific could be done in a shorter time and in sequence. As mentioned by John Alexander López Álvarez “the algorithm has a mind.” They are non-programmed machines since they have autonomous learning or machine learning; a system that allows them to learn from errors. That is why the specialist emphasizes that this is an alarm to invite human capital to be prepared from now on and into the future in order to continue studying, updating, and exploring other skills that are not replaced by devices of this style.

Now in this science-technology binomial, companies must understand that if they do not innovate, the risk is evident, they can disappear. It has been lived in this conjunctural moment, in which a pandemic changed the lives of millions of people. Informal activities did not withstand the impact and companies that until now had not thought about modifying their practices in terms of this new era, are suffering the impasses of a daily life that afflicts them. The call is clear as stated by John López, it is necessary to create ecosystems that allow reaching a sustainable scenario and areas that work continuously on that invention.

An example of this is the United States, a nation that has been consistent with these changes and that even from the academy, promotes innovation as a philosophy of life. In the same way, companies like Microsoft and Amazon work for transformation schemes that reach the entire planet, replicating their dynamics and thinking about their behavior under the slogan "inside the box." Also, Europe and Asia, specifically the Alibaba company, has stood out for the invention achieved in services such as cloud computing, storage, digitization, information technology, data protection, and analytics.

"Today no business can survive intuition," says John López and adds that decision-making in a company cannot be relegated only to the experience given by tradition, since transformation 4.0 is not an option, it is an obligation like at the time it was reading or writing, and it is necessary within daily practice. For this reason “minds that are skeptical of these changes will be swept away by the same waters; Whether they want to or not, they are going to have to transform." The call is urgent in view of the perception that one has, technology is not an enemy, on the contrary, it becomes a facilitator for a good return on investment, it generates more opportunities in the ways of working, communicating, and marketing. If you have not yet contemplated it, the question would be, are you ready?

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