Successful women tend to frequently feel guilty or ashamed about things that are sometimes out of their control.
Successful women tend to frequently feel guilty or ashamed about things that are sometimes out of their control. It is time to start living more openly without feeling the need to apologize for your achievements.
Women in executive positions tend to put too much pressure on themselves, especially when they are in an environment where it is considered a privilege for a woman to hold high office. Disappointment comes from not doing things as perfectly as expected. However, this embarrassment only takes away the confidence of these women leaders for continually feeling the need to prove their worth. Najwa Zebian, a Lebanese-Canadian activist and author, has a quote that alleviates the pressure that women feel in all areas of their lives: "It is very important that we give ourselves permission to avoid shame and guilt."
Don’t Downplay Your Success
Many women feel that being humble is better than showing off themselves. However, this is an extreme spectrum where women are afraid of appearing arrogant or narcissistic when talking about their accomplishments. When men receive compliments, they are more likely to say "thank you," while women are more likely to respond "no, you are amazing!" minimizing it.
In an interview with Women of Impact, Amy Morin, Editor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind, reveals how to say thank you and receive compliments. Amy emphasizes that instead of just saying "thank you" or "no big deal," it's okay if you acknowledge the time, effort, and hard work that got you there.
It's okay to share your success with people and know that maybe you're inspiring them too. They may also want to learn from you. In this regard, Amy emphasizes that you should not shrink or minimize yourself to try to protect a person's ego.
Don’t Let Guilt Lower Your Self-Esteem
Entrepreneurs want to do their best in all areas of their lives. However, sometimes they cannot be the perfect wife or mother that they would like to be. From having a busy schedule to taking care of their personal life, they sometimes feel too drained when they get home. This was the case of Natalie Ellis, CEO of BossBabe, which according to LinkedIn is "a platform for unapologetically ambitious women looking to start + scale their own businesses or level up their career."
Natalie thought something was wrong with her because she couldn't be everything at once. She realized that she was not telling her husband that she needed his support. She also admits that she has been working to not feel guilty about letting her husband do the housework when she is too busy.
Ellis's experience taught her that her worth is not defined by how much work, how much time she spends, or how many things she does for people. She is worth it without so much pressure. "Everything else besides that is a bonus," she adds.
It is important to remember that you are not in control of how others feel about themselves any more than they are responsible for how you feel about yourself. Women have the right to speak openly about their success and need not feel ashamed about it.
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