5 Tips to Manage Your Limiting Thoughts

5 Tips to Manage Your Limiting Thoughts

Every day the mind produces approximately 90.000 thoughts and 80% of these are negative or limiting.

Every day the mind produces approximately 90.000 thoughts and 80% of these are negative or limiting, which leads me to reflect on the fact of wanting to achieve goals, have a beautiful life, and feel like winners.

This will not be possible while we think pessimistically, there is a voice inside our head that ends up leading us to self-sabotage and making us not move forward.

What can we do? Is there a spell that helps us silence that internal critic who sees everything wrong? Well, yes, we all have the ability to reprogram our minds if we properly focus our energy and attention, in addition to using Socratic dialogue to recognize, reevaluate, and direct thoughts. Your emotions are the fruit of the interpretation you make of each situation, memory, or anticipatory thought. Between the stimulus that can be real or imaginary and the appearance of one emotion there is approximately half a second in which according to your thought patterns you will interpret the event as risk or opportunity, thus activating different areas of your brain that will determine the behavior you will perform.

An example of this was what happened to Karen, she was in a meeting and spilled a coffee on her blouse in front of a client, at that moment she felt embarrassed and under the rhythm of the meeting for being focused on the stain, leaving thought "I was very bad with this client, he will never want to work with me again," "I am useless."

Let's see what we can do to avoid falling into the mental traps and how Karen could have done it properly (remember that you have to practice frequently to be prepared for difficult times):

-Press the pause button: Stop and check what you are feeling, putting a name to the emotion reduces its impact by half, for this you can write it. ("I am ashamed of the mistake, I will be more careful and I will be attentive to the meeting, later I clean my shirt.")


-Discover the trigger: Identify what affected you and describe it. ("I really care about this client and I want to look good.")

-Identify your self-talk and neutralize it. ("The negative thoughts have already started, I will not pay attention to them, they are not true.")

-Create an empowering dialogue. ("This client is very important to me. I am going to demonstrate my skills, the coffee is secondary.")

-Reinforce your positive beliefs. ("I handled the situation very well, I have more and more control of my thoughts.")

-Identify the new emotions. ("I felt uncomfortable, but I don't limit myself, now I feel energetic.")

This five-step model can be applied in situations of the past, present or when your mind travels to the future, the key to success is in practice, the more you do it, the easier it will be for your brain to activate the rational way of interpreting situations and you will feel much more confident, motivated, and balanced.

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