The dangers of socializing on the Internet are sharing too much information, posting comments, photos or videos.
The dangers of socializing on the Internet are sharing too much information, posting comments, photos or videos.
The internet and social networks bring us many benefits; in fact they have become quite important now that we remain much longer at home, as a result of mandatory preventive isolation, because of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Currently, we are using digital tools to study, stay in touch with others, stay informed, entertain and work. Although, the advantages are huge, there are also many risks that are generated when we do not give them proper use and we are not responsible on social networks or on the web.
On the other hand, sometimes we share too many details of our life on the net: where we are, what we like, what we do in everyday life, among others. We even post photos, a story, or some comment that may jeopardize our privacy, according to the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF). That's why in The Woman Post, we made a selection of those things so as not to share on social media:
1. Location and address.
2. Email or phone number.
3. Photos of our children.
4. Compromising photos.
5. Identity or personal documents.
6. Fake opinions, complaints, comments or news.
7. Private conversations.
8. Daily routines.
9. Content that incites hatred, discrimination, and intolerance.
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The Age of Sharenting
According to psychologist Andrés Ruiz, collaborator of the School for Mothers and Fathers, sharenting is a new phenomenon through moms and dads publishing much content (photos, audios, videos) of their children on their social networks, without any consideration of security and privacy. However, each person leaves a digital identity on the Internet, as a result of their interaction on networks.
In the United States, 92% of children already have a digital identity at age 2 and before they turn 5 each child has approximately 1,000 photos on various social networks. So by the time these children have the chance to form their own online identity, they'll already have one. Therefore, parents are both a positive and negative influence, with a child's relationship with technology, they never received technological education, so all the information they receive is non-specialized and infeasible.
On the other hand, there is a study called "Share with Care," in which Nominet was commissioned in 2016, a non-profit institution dedicated to managing web domains, and carried out by Parent Zone, a social company focused on education for families on children on the Internet, is very forceful. The study reveals that parents of British children have posted nearly 1,500 photographs of their children online before they turned 5, 54% more than the previous year with an average of 300 photos per year, according to the Federation of Associations for the Prevention of Child Mistreatment (FAPMI).
Considerations on "sharenting" are still very relevant today, and mostly gaining in urgency. What does it mean to be documented digitally from the first moments of life?
— Fayaz King (@fayaz_king) May 9, 2021
Strategies To Consider When Sharing Photos
1. Know in depth the privacy settings of your social networks and configure them in such a way that they only see their photos who you really want to see them.
2. Photos during early childhood and childhood should be hung from the profile of mom or dad.
3. Don't hang photos of naked minors; no matter if it's bathing, on the beach or on a newborn.
4. Not clues that can geolocation children.
5. Let your children veto photos they don't want you to share. Consult them and let them have an opinion because all the information you hang up on them today will set up their fingerprint tomorrow.
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