Did you know that your emotions are changing your body right now?
Did you know that your emotions are changing your body right now?.
For your brain, what you think, feel and do is the same and is molded by repetition, making you act automatically before the next stimulus that it perceives as similar, activating responses that it saves as predetermined.
Uncertainty is the trigger for rapid emotional changes that make us feel vulnerable and in the worst of cases defenseless, going from being in control of our lives to not knowing what will happen in the short term can be very shocking, remember we are emotional beings living logical experiences.
Every day we have an average of 90,000 thoughts and 70% of these are negative, do not worry, it is not your fault, it is the evolution that left us as a mark of the negative bias. That "ability" to predict the dangers that allowed us to evolve in the past now works against us and generates anxiety, muscle tension, gastric problems, and even fibromyalgia.
It is no longer a luxury to learn to regulate emotions, it is an urgent need, our life depends on the development that we achieve from emotional agility. Understanding the different nuances of emotions and how they can be favorable or limiting, is key so that you do not get overwhelmed and paralyzed by those that are more difficult to manage and do not enter a downward spiral that leads to exhaustion, but rather that you manage to recognize them, manage them and leave strengthened.
Expand Your Emotional Vocabulary
Take a notebook and write how you feel, what you think about the situation you are going through and what sensations your body experiences at this moment.
Practice Calm
Imagine that your mind is like the sea that can be calm, a little rough, or in the middle of a tsunami, recognizing its state is important because it leads you to recognize that you have the power to modify it from seeing its content. For example, you can review what happens after an argument: my mind is agitated and filled with catastrophic thoughts which leads me to feel fear and cry. Just being clear about the order of events allows you to activate emotional agility.
Activated Emotional Agility
Ask yourself when faced with complex situations: What did I learn? How could I have reacted appropriately? What can I do if a similar situation arises in the future? This reframing exercise empowers you not to be a victim of emotions, but rather the protagonist of your life.
Being intoxicated on an emotional level is due more to the interpretation you make of your life than to the things that happen. Dare to be part of the wellness revolution and do not settle for feeling bad, take action, balance your emotions and train your mind to feel good.
You only need a little practice each day and you will see how you mold new neural pathways in your brain that will allow you to express your capacity for emotional regulation in different contexts.
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