How To Identify Toxic Optimism

How To Identify Toxic Optimism

In recent times I have seen the boom of naive optimism which instead of doing good ends up doing a lot of damage.

In recent times I have seen the boom of naive optimism, which has nothing to do with positive psychology, in which people make a display of showcase optimism, which instead of doing good ends up doing a lot of damage.

It is not the same to see life from hope (understood as the ability to adapt and act with the aim that good things happen) as to go around the world launching "Instagrammable" phrases that have little background and a lot of design.

Toxic optimism is an evil that spreads easily and more so in times of uncertainty, people want to believe in something that excites them and makes them believe that everything is going to improve, even if they have no proof of it. Some who are guided by excess optimism do not create plans to face adversity, they do not look for other alternatives because they have blind faith in the favorable result and when things do not go as expected they can enter into pictures of depression and anxiety.

This kind of naive optimism develops when we let our emotions outpace statistics and objective tests, to the point that our desire for something to happen is interpreted as real without taking into account the probabilities of it happening.

Have You Ever Wondered With What Glasses Are You Seeing the World?

There are several ways to face life situations, one is toxic optimism in which people naively believe that everything will turn out well, that they will not have obstacles along the way, and that they will always achieve positive results. The second is the eternal dissatisfied, the pessimist who for every situation has a problem, a complaint, or an obstacle, is so convinced that things will go wrong that he rarely makes an effort to move forward and in third place, we have our proposal the intelligent optimist, who he knows about barriers, problems and limitations, but works to develop his skills, draw lessons from mistakes, and seek opportunities in the midst of crisis.


The difference between the toxic optimist and the intelligent one lies in their interpretation of the world, while the former assumes that things will turn out well, the latter works to achieve goals.

Actions To Be a Smart Optimist

-Bet on the proactive: Believe that everything will work out and act to make it so.

-Listen to your pessimistic version strategically: Take a pause to review obstacles, problems, and limitations, so you can be prepared if they do appear.

-Make new mistakes: Learn from every mistake so you don't repeat it.

Seeing the bright side of life is something very beautiful as long as you do not ignore the value of all the other nuances that you can also learn and accept as part of the adventure of living.

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