We must recognize the great challenge faced by men who have managed to break those antiquated standards that limited them and did not allow them to feel, express and love in a freer way.
We must recognize the great challenge faced by men who have managed to break those antiquated standards that limited them and did not allow them to feel, express and love in a freer way.
“Being a man is very easy,” an expression that we have heard many times and that when we focus on the burden of acting according to “what is right for them, what is masculine, what is for real men.” It is necessary to carefully observe the patterns of behavior that society has demanded of them: to look strong -even if they feel weak-, tough and immovable -even if they knew they were about to break-, and powerful -despite not having confidence-. I think it is a difficult role to maintain over time.
We must recognize the great challenge faced by men who have managed to break those antiquated standards that limited them and did not allow them to feel, express, and love in a freer way; both in their private lives and in their social role. Because, although it is not very common to talk about them, there are many cognitive biases that affect them and have hurt them for a long time. For example, the parents in charge of raising their children while their wives have successful careers or who fear disapproval because when they show vulnerability, are sometimes seen as less male or less attractive by women.
Masculinity and what it means to be a man in the 21st century is evolving right now and perhaps the pandemic gave us a nudge to speed up the transition by having to take on other roles during lockdowns, which was an opportunity for some to connect with the conscious masculinity of expressing their vulnerability of caring for others and allowing others to be cared for, and of renouncing the false power that stereotypes generate.
Conscious men know that we all win when there is equity, that we can build together a more just society and in which we can flourish and place our talents at the service. But for this to be sustainable over time, the role that women play as mothers, wives or bosses since every time we recognize the humanity shared between men and women we are betting on a better world for all regardless of gender, sexual tendencies or how we see ourselves.
It is time to create a social imagination around what masculinity means from its potential, its beauty, and its diversity, put aside the competition to see which gender is stronger, intelligent, or powerful, and know that differences unite us. They make life more fun by complementing ideas from different points of view and recognizing that each person can contribute to consolidating a new way of seeing the masculine and feminine from their daily life, their interactions, and their way of expressing themselves as the other gender.
Let us trust that we are evolving as a society towards one in which how you see yourself and who you love is not relevant and in which we are all protagonists.
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