What Should You Negotiate Besides Salary?

What Should You Negotiate Besides Salary?

Once you have received a job offer, you might be wondering whether you should negotiate or not. You should always think about the key aspects to negotiate, according to your plans and priorities.

Once you have received a job offer, you might be wondering whether you should negotiate or not. You should always think about the key aspects to negotiate, according to your plans and priorities.

The Woman Post gives you an insight into some other points that you should reach terms on, besides basic pay. 

When you are thinking of changing jobs or beginning your professional career, there are many aspects that you should bear in mind, that will make your life easier, besides money. However, this does not mean that you should start asking for benefits during your interviews, but you should keep in mind some things beyond salary that you may be able to negotiate from the start. 

1. Contribution Towards Retirement

This means that the company will match a certain amount of money of whatever you contribute towards retirement. In other terms, this means that the company is providing you an incentive to save for retirement. The older version of yourself will be thankful.

2. Flexible Schedules / Remote Work

You will be surprised to find out that 20% of employees around the world have access to flexible working arrangements. When negotiating this benefit, you should be clear on what would work for you. For instance, you could ask for working from home on Wednesdays or leaving work early one day a week. If your boss is not convinced, you could propose a trial period.

3. Relocation Pay

We all know that moving can be expensive, so if your dream job is located in another city, be sure that your future employer is willing to compensate you for the move.


4. Maternity and Paternity Leave

It may be worth the time to do some research on your country’s maternity and paternity leave and figuring out what is the position of your employer. According to your findings, you could negotiate a soft entry to work, by working from home some days, or working reduced hours.

5. Education Bonus

A great way to ascend in your professional career is by continued learning. A great way to keep growing is by negotiating with your future employer, the possibility of getting an annual bonus for education.

6. Additional Vacations

As a way to achieve your work-life balance, you could be clear with your employer on how much you value your time.  If you feel like your salary does not compensate for the work done, be sure to negotiate a few extra days of holiday.

7. Health Insurance Coverage

If you still feel like your working schedule falls short to compensate your salary, negotiating health insurance coverage could free you from paying medical expenses from your pocket.

8. Bonus Pay

Last but not least, you should pay attention to the bonus a company may offer. Whether it is equity or a performance bonus, it will add up to your salary and help you to stay motivated.

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