Acting on Gender Equality Is No Longer Waiting

Acting on Gender Equality Is No Longer Waiting

The world made excellent advances in technology, but there's a she-cession on the subject of gender equality what happened?

The world made excellent advances in technology, but there's a she-cession on the subject of gender equality, what happened?.

The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic created many complications in the labor market. Jobs lost during April 2020 were lower than in 1994, according to an article published by the Maine Department of Labor Center for Workforce Research and Information. All losses were concentrated in the economic sectors and goods and services.

A special report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) revealed that COVID-19 shook the area economically. The consequences are predicted to address the autonomy of the female gender. That is why, in their study, they suggest implementing socio-economic measures to face the crisis. The data collected indicate that the economy negatively affects women's occupations. It is considered that the level of unemployment would reach 22.2% in 2020, which implies a 12.6% variation.

On the other hand, the estimates generated in Colombia were not encouraging, because a labor participation rate of 43.9% was obtained in women and 66.2% in men, and the level of unemployment is 24.6% in the female gender and only 17.4% in the male gender.

Economic Recovery Fails Women

Gender diversity is the nerve center of growth; however, gaps remain in some sectors. For example, women account for only 9% of managers and 17% of senior executives in the energy sector. That is why the economic recovery and the energy transition must go hand in hand with a complete transformation. These actions ensure the support of a considerable group of young people.


The changes required by these opportunities can lead to reduced emissions and innovation in the energy sector. This movement has a direct impact on women and is based on their actions and leadership. According to an article published by Amanda Beaujon, gender and infrastructure consultant at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), reveals that the important thing is to create new ideas and develop public policies. Even implement paradigms in order to give sustainability to electrification.

COVID-19 in the Framework of the Actions That Must Be Taken for Gender Equality

The efforts that have been put in place to mitigate the crisis have accelerated the digital age and dependence on the economy. These changes guided society to migrate to online shopping. They even immersed companies and initiatives in technology and radically changed the style of paid jobs. That is why the entities have taken the following actions to mitigate the problems of gender equality that arise.

-Activate and energize sectors aimed at women's economic recovery.

-Promote professional growth in the female gender of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) sector.

-Promote in women processes of digital transformation and enhance skills and abilities that include digital technologies.

-Guarantee women's access to financial goods and services, such as loans, guarantees, interest rates, among others.

-Respond to women's rights in traditional work and digital employment.

-Study strategies that articulate the rights of the female gender through the profession and certification of abilities.

-Ensure financial aid and tax reductions to achieve far-reaching intervention.

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