Female Employment in the Post-COVID Era

Female Employment in the Post-COVID Era

The advances of the violet economy and the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men guarantee social protection.

The advances of the violet economy and the promotion of equal opportunities for women and men guarantee social protection.

The perspective of women and their economic analysis is part of a new strategy that promotes other women in managerial positions. This initiative seeks to eliminate the wage gap in several areas and create new opportunities in the labor market. That is why the female gender is the main actor of the violet economy which develops the power of femininity.

A recent study called "Pandemic and Employment Situation" under the Data for Equality campaign, reveals that its purpose is to encourage women's economic participation. The research was undertaken by the Organization and Promotion of the Violet Economy (OPEV) and was published in the Magazine Corresponsables. The figures reflect the current situation of women and the commitment to promoting gender equality. The program emphasizes breaking down the barriers women face when it comes to becoming economically independent.

The data collected shows that 48% of women lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 health crisis and 18% resigned from them. In total, 66% of the female gender is out of the labor market. However, 46% manage to work with a business, 27% apply for work and 26% dedicate themselves exclusively to the home. In addition, 73% mention that their husband has the expenses of the house.

On the other hand, the findings show that the first reason that women gave up was the fear of COVID-19 contagion with 51%. In addition, other reasons were immersed such as the fact of assuming the care of children and older adults with 26% and the decrease in salary with 7%. Some also emphasized increasing workload by 5% and confinement or restricting mobility by 5%.

Reflective Actions To Sustain Gender Diversity

Some activities need to be assimilated to address the issue of inclusion. This work must be done as a team, whether in the labor, social, cultural, sports, political sector, even in the heat of the home. The idea is to raise awareness, promote diversity and drive values in humanity.

-Gender parity: From the elimination of the wage gap, the fight against violence and harassment of women; the female gender takes strength to develop in other areas.

-Generational equality: A series of difficulties were generated in the labor market towards women, such as age, intergenerational dialogue, and constant support in older adults; to be integrated into new employment opportunities.

-Disability: The integration of people with disabilities or involving citizens with chronic diseases is part of the process of gender diversity.


-Ethnicity and race: Discrimination against small groups have a negative impact, but an inclusive context based on trust, equality, and equity can be created.

-LGTBI+:Transgender communities have been victims for years, yet they are positioning themselves in favor of diversity.

-Psychological and spiritual health: Many women have the syndrome of professional burnout and work-life balance. This action is due to the confinement caused by COVID-19 and the increase in hours that freelancers brought with it.

-Cultural diversity: The fact that the pandemic occurred generated a transformation in the traditional woman, giving way to the digital female gender with learning about other cultures and languages.

-COVID-19: This virus generated an impact on people's lives, however, women and vulnerable groups were the most affected. That is why some organizations generate actions to strengthen gender diversity.

-Varied topics: There are other topics such as sports, art, music, among others; which are merged as strategies to drive diversity, digitalization and innovation.

Elements and Values for the Inclusion and Diversity of the Female Gender

Currently, people have begun to accept inclusion strategies; however, others are rooted in their beliefs. According to the ASISPA Diversity Foundation promotes, advises, and designs other entities and companies in the incorporation of equality strategies.

-Raise awareness and sensitize gender parity to promote new opportunities in favor of work and inclusion.

-Promote insertion and prevent at all costs the discrimination that may occur in the areas of permanence, such as work, social spaces, friends, family, among others.

-Identify and know the value of vulnerable groups and the diversity of clients, with an emphasis on women.

-Develop, expand and disseminate the commitment to humanity.

-Study, design, and elaborate a project of diversity and integration of actors. It is important to consider gender, race, nationality, religion, disability, and older adults.

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