Discover the Abilities in Your Introverted Collaborators

Discover the Abilities in Your Introverted Collaborators

Although introverts are underestimated by society, they are full of strengths, especially at the workplace.

Although introverts are underestimated by society, they are full of strengths, especially at the workplace.

Introverts bring many strengths and gifts to the table, and people shouldn't overlook those qualities. Most of the time, extrovert characteristics dominate the stereotype of a successful person. However, introverts look in silence and have a unique perspective of things. Entrepreneur magazine acknowledges some unexpected strengths of introverts at work. Let's take a look at some of them.


Introverts don't tend to need excessive supervision to get their work done. Because they prefer doing things on their own, they rely on themselves to accomplish a goal. Self-sufficiency and independence are some of their most outstanding skills.


Before speaking their mind, they think carefully about what they are going to say. Thanks to this, they have extra time to process the information and give more assertive and complete answers and solutions. They aren't going to talk for the sake of talking. If they raise their hand, it's because they have something important to share.

Good Listening Skills

Introverts use their quiet nature to observe any situation in a thoughtful way. Instead of focusing on their next opportunity to talk, they pay attention to verbal and non-verbal communication and can use this information to adapt better to the environment.

Meaningful and Deep Conversations

If they choose to interact with others, it is typically because they are genuinely interested in having a deep conversation. Introverts don't like forced talks, which means they will take their time to explore a topic if they decide to open a small-group discussion. Also, using their good listening skills makes it easier to understand and explore others' perspectives.



Introverts feel comfortable with being alone with their own thoughts. As they are great at paying attention to their surroundings, they are more aware of their feelings and actions. If they feel comfortable with someone, they will express themselves in a relaxed and fluid way.


After being used to working in places where some people may have teased them for their quietness, introverts have developed mechanisms that allow them to function and adapt appropriately at the workplace. For this reason, they rarely need others' validations and know how to overcome their "shyness" in the most critical moments.

In conclusion, being an introvert or extrovert is not better than the other. Both types of people complete each other and are necessary to make a great team. Nevertheless, as introverts are often overlooked, it is important to recognize their strengths and understand their quiet way of getting tasks done. Remember: Encouraging what introverts bring to the table benefits the team and the company.

Even if you don't consider yourself an introvert, identifying a colleague who matches these characteristics will help you understand them better. Every person has different qualities, but all tempers can form a creative team that masters solving-problem.

On the other hand, if you are an introvert, embrace your skills and don't feel ashamed of not being the party's soul. Without noticing, you can be the secret weapon of your company.

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