A coffee with a woman who builds smart, sustainable, and humane cities.
A coffee with a woman who builds smart, sustainable, and humane cities.
"The Coffee Talk is a space generated to know projects, initiatives, and ideas of different cities that have the smart city approach from the perspective of the people who live and transit these places," explains Lucía Bellocchio, founder of Trend Smart Cities.
From the Coffee Talk, she makes interviews about urban innovation, technology, sustainability. Curious and exploring by nature, Lucía Bellocchio had the opportunity to visit more than 300 cities and lived in five different countries, which led her to be interested in the study of trends in urban environments.
To Make Smarter Cities, but Also More Human
Through her publications and live Instagram, she takes us virtually to interesting and sustainable societies to copy.
Objectives: A Better Quality of Life and Opportunities for Citizens
Lucía is a content producer on trends in cities, which offers to consult on smart cities for companies, the public sector, and multilateral organizations (Director of the Diploma in Smart Cities of the School of Government, Politics and International Relations of the Austral University).
She studied Law at the University of Buenos Aires and Big Data with a double degree from The George Washington University, and International Business School Spain. In 2020, she was chosen as one of the 50 female leaders of the Southern Cone by Voces Vit.
Urban Sustainability
It is the search for sustainable urban development that does not degrade the environment and provides quality of life to citizens. This concept arises in the Brundtland Report, which was originally called "Our Common Future" prepared in 1987 for the United Nations by the commission.
It stated that sustainable development allows meeting the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development is a philosophy with scientific, economic, and political dimensions.
It is necessary to broaden the concept of environmental sustainability if we want to talk about urban sustainability. Environmental sustainability stems from the growing concern in the international community when considering the existing links between economic and social development and the immediate effects on the environment, seeking to become aware of and find a balance between these. Urban sustainability focuses on designing smart cities that take collaborative measures to grow in an economic, social, and environmental way to guarantee competitiveness, reduce poverty and provide a dignified space where citizens can develop.
A Coffee With Lucía
Here are some reasons why bicycles are the best transportation: You can move smartly, safely, healthily, and sustainably in cities.
Smart GPS cities: The smart cities policy of the State of São Paulo is based on science, technology, and evidence. Ágata is a dream that is crystallizing from the mayor of Bogotá's vision of how data-based decision-making should be done. These are just some of the topics covered in Trend Smart Cities, a unique space to see how important it is to have the consciences that a better world is possible if we make it more sustainable.
"It is important that we all think about the type of cities we want to live in. I am sure that when people imagine their ideal city, it is not with polluted air, cars stuck in endless traffic, or streets full of cars," Hanna Marcussen.
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