The family nucleus will be in crisis when, from one moment to another, new protocols are implemented in the return of women to their jobs.
The family nucleus will be in crisis when, from one moment to another, new protocols are implemented in the return of women to their jobs.
The COVID-19 health crisis forced most women to implement the home office as a work strategy. These actions were taken due to the social isolation and mobility limitations that transcended by the coronavirus pandemic. This novel and innovative way of working arose with the purpose of protecting the jobs of the community at large.
A recent study called "The progressive return to work. The challenges for the financial industry" conducted by Deloitte reveals that the pandemic forced everyone to work remotely. However, the data collected shows that some nations are lifting their mobilization and social distancing limitations. The findings indicate that such a progressive return will last only 12 to 18 months and this would imply having fewer employees and strengthening the digitalization of their companies.
On the other hand, a return plan is suggested where the available resources are identified and strategic initiatives are reviewed. In addition, to create safe environments and evaluate legal implications, therefore constant monitoring of external factors would be carried out.
Women and the Family: The Key to the Gig Economy
Chris Herd is the founder of First Base, a company dedicated to solving configuration, administration, maintenance, and recovery problems. In addition, it specializes in replacing the remote infrastructure that employees require to do work at home. The expert generates a database that shows which workers are connected, how many jobs they do, and how much money goes into the company.
1. Living and spending time with family now starts to make sense: Remote work emphasizes that people prioritize what is truly important. In this new era, women seek to have more control of the schedule and the goals set by the employer, in order to provide more time at home.
2. Work goals: Companies begin to evaluate employee performance by productivity. This action offers you great value at the same time and produces confidence and empowerment.
3. Health, well-being, and family are paramount: Women now save time and money from commuting to the office, with the aim of better organizing their daily activities. Not only those in the office but also those at home.
4. Make your work schedule more flexible: Flexibility begins to make sense, because women have many responsibilities, such as the office, studies, childcare, shopping, among others. However, if you have a malleable schedule, you can organize your activities and stick to them all.
5. Diversity and inclusion: These are reasons to attract new talent to companies and ventures. Equality and equity are important factors in which women work to close the existing gap.
6. Urban and rural cities will have no difference: Rural sectors will emerge only by improving their internet. This action will generate a better quality of life at a lower cost.
7. Robots are increasing: Robotic strategies and digitalization are the new tools for some companies. Technology provided the opportunity for a radical change in some automated processes that companies have.
8. Increase of hobbies: The free time generated by remote jobs developed the increase of activities such as sports, reading, writing, music, and collective, cultural, and social activities.
In short, this change of boom from traditional to online must be taken advantage of by companies, enterprises, and women 100%. These actions will increase your value and the well-being of people, to achieve better results in remote work.
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