Tips To Reduce Stress When Looking for Work

Tips To Reduce Stress When Looking for Work

Millennials have shown that they do not want a short life or a small job. They search for a meaningful job where they feel like they can make a difference!

Millennials have shown that they do not want a short life or a small job. They search for a meaningful job where they feel like they can make a difference!.

We all know how stressful and exhausting it can be to wake up every day to continue with the job search. No matter the experience we may have, the compensation level we look for, or the industry most job seekers go through episodes of anxiety and worry when in a job transition. According to Harvard Business Review, millennials have shown that they do not want a small life or a small job. They search for a meaningful job where they feel like they can make a difference!

It is also true that if you lost your last job, it can be even more stressful to look for a new one. But why do these feelings of stress and anxiety take place? In the first place,  individuals experience a lack of control during the recruitment process. They also feel insecure since there is no feedback if they are not invited to an interview. There is uncertainty about who else is taking part in the process and various unexpected events can occur. For instance, internal hiring freezes can take place.

The good news is that no matter the circumstance of our job search, we can overcome job search anxiety and find a job that fits our desires and expectations, by bearing in mind the following advice:

1. Allow Yourself Some Time To Organize Your Thoughts

If you are under financial pressure to pay those bills and to feed your children, any job can be good for you. In another scenario, where the financial pressure is not so big, it is also true that you can fall into the mistake of accepting a job without deeply analyzing if you will enjoy it. This is why it is important to take the time to reflect and to imagine yourself in that job for at least 24 hours. Picturing yourself in that job will allow you to think if that opportunity fits your long-term goals.

2. Visualize the Process One Step at a Time

Sometimes we can fall into the mistake of imagining a specific outcome, such as when we finally get the job. But, what if we focus on the way we want to show up at that first interview? Although there is no doubt that the final result is important, we can miss important details of the process if we decide to focus only on the outcome. Take your time to envision a great experience at the interviews, bringing your best self and feeling confident and empowered. This visualization practice can be helpful in many scenarios in life, such as your first day at a new job, or your first impression when meeting your partner’s family.


3. Take Time To Acknowledge Your Feelings

It is fine to embrace your feelings, and experience anxiety and stress. However, it is best to schedule a time to fully deal with those emotions without putting them aside, so that they don’t spontaneously arrive at other times when you need that bandwidth to fully focus on your performance. It may take just one hour a day to sit and visit those harmful thoughts, and then, if they come back to your mind later, you will remind yourself that you have already used some time to deal with those feelings!

4. Take a Day Off

Although this point may seem pretty obvious, it is always a good idea to remind yourself of spending quality time with your family and friends and resting from the job search. This relaxing time will clear your mind and prepare it for the next day when you start again with the applications. On your day off, you can also meditate, or practice coping mechanisms such as breathing or even walking your dog!

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