Make Part of the Eco-Christmas Challenge 2021!

Make Part of the Eco-Christmas Challenge 2021!

Have you thought that the best Christmas gift you can give to your children is a brighter future by taking care of the planet we live in?

Have you thought that the best Christmas gift you can give to your children is a brighter future by taking care of the planet we live in?.

The Woman Post brings you an eco-Christmas challenge to guide you through some simple steps to play your part in stopping climate change and reducing your carbon footprint.

Before telling you more about all of the points of the challenge, you must bear in mind that you don’t have to feel the pressure to do it perfectly, we all know that it takes one step at a time to live a more sustainable lifestyle. This article will give you ideas to inspire others to rethink Christmas and to make it a time for joy and for quality time with family and friends, but also to reflect on how to reduce our negative impact on the planet!

1. Make Presents Count

We have all received presents that we don’t want! Instead of buying so many gifts, how about playing secret-Santa with your family and friends? Have you ever thought about gifting an experience? If we reduce our shopping list for Christmas, and we have to buy only one gift, an experience is a great idea since it will create memories and it won’t end up in landfills.

2. Wrap Presents With Recycled Materials

If you opt for a material gift, go for non-plastic or recycled paper when it comes to packing it. Avoid tape, plastic ribbons, and packaging papers that contain glitter! Consider eco-friendly options such as try Furoshiki, which is a Japanese method of wrapping with a cloth, or recycle packaging from last year. You could even swap packaging with relatives or friends, instead of buying a new one!

3. Second-Hand Is Also an Option!

If you want to go for a material option instead of an experience, how about buying vintage clothes or refurbished furniture and technology? Part of the sustainability challenge is to save on new resources, and buying second-hand is a good way to do so!

4. Make a Sustainable Christmas Dinner

Buying locally produced food is one way to reduce your carbon footprint! Instead of ordering takeaway, gather locally produced ingredients and make dinner yourself. Remember to try to calculate the quantities accurately, to avoid food waste. If there are any leftovers, make sure to give them to those who may enjoy them or consume them in the next few days! How about eating less meat and challenging yourself to cook a vegetarian meal? Avoid single-use napkins and plastic plates as well!


5. If You Opt for a Material Gift, Buy a Battery-Free One!

As mentioned by the EPA, about 40% of all battery sales take place during the holiday season. Discarded batteries are harmful to the environment. There are plenty of options for giving eco-friendly gifts to children. Why not opt for a second-hand toy?

6. Go for DIY Presents

If you can’t think of an experience for a gift, try to make a present yourself! Some good options may be to try and make pressed-flower art. You can even make a cute frame for a lovely picture or make nice cookie jars to give to your loved ones.

7. Use Sustainable Christmas Decoration

Instead of spending on new decorations, you can try upcycling the ones you already have. Using recycled paper to make origami decorations is also a great idea for making your Christmas sustainable while engaging your kids in the process!

8. Make Sure To Give a Gift to Our Planet

Plant a tree with your family on Christmas day, to engage all of your family members in an activity that will be meaningful for the world we live in! You might also want to dedicate a day to cleaning your closet and giving away clothes that you no longer use. The future generations will be thankful!

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