In terms of performance, the main thing that gets in the way of us delivering our best it's nothing to do with the stuff outside of ourselves. It's in our self-sabotage.
In terms of performance, the main thing that gets in the way of us delivering our best it's nothing to do with the stuff outside of ourselves. It's in our self-sabotage.
For Conor Neill, President of Vistage in Spain and a Professor of Leadership Communications at IESE Business School, the formula for success in life is: Performance equals potential minus self-sabotage.
According to the Professor, four destructive self-sabotage mindsets will stop you from achieving what matters: Distraction, emotional impulsiveness, arrogance, and a fixed mindset.
1. Distraction
If you let distraction win, you'll never get anything meaningful done. For example, instead of looking through your phone and staying in bed losing time during the morning, think about the three most important things of that day and get that done first. By prioritizing tasks, you'll make better progress in the work. The Professor recommends using the Pomodoro Technique. This time management method was developed by an Italian Ph.D. student who was struggling to finish his thesis. Pomodoro means "tomato" in Italian, which was the shape of the kitchen timer he used to spend his thesis. He took the timer, set it to 20 minutes, and told himself, "I'm just going to sit and write until the timer buzzes." To overcome distraction, have a look at this famous technique.
2. Emotional Impulsiveness
We sabotage ourselves by allowing our emotions to run us and letting them drive an impulsive response to what happens. As Viktor E. Frankl once said, "The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one's freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given circumstance." Every second that you spend in anger is a second that somebody else is making progress.
3. Arrogance
Rooting out all sources of arrogance within you and remaining humble is one of the secrets to success. If you are in a team, remember to connect with your colleagues and try to understand what they've come here for. Get out of your head and realize that you are not the important person in the room. Instead, put the focus on other people.
4. Fixed Mindset
When people think, "there's nothing I can do to change my intelligence, my skills, or get better," they are sabotaging themselves. A growth mindset focuses more on the work effort put in and the quality of our actions instead of the quality of the outcomes. Instead of focusing on the applauses, put your mind to the rewards you get from the act of doing your work.
In a few words, winning or losing is not as important as focusing entirely on giving your best to your job today and tomorrow being better.
All of the initials of these four destructive self-sabotage mindsets form the word "DEAF," which refers to not improving and not listening to others. We are deaf when we only listen to inner thoughts that make our ego grow and don't allow us to become better. When you start realizing all the things you are capable of, you'll be surprised by the outcome.
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