Christmas is a season that is celebrated with family and friends. You need to add an ecological touch to help reduce emissions on our planet. Try it! You don't lose anything!
Christmas is a season that is celebrated with family and friends. But you need to add an ecological touch to help reduce emissions on our planet. Try it! You don't lose anything!.
To fully enjoy our holidays it is necessary to fill our house with different colors, smells, and flavors. This is undoubtedly the essence of Christmas to share with family and friends, all the traditions rooted by our ancestors. However, sometimes the habits and lifestyles that some people lead to generate a great impact on the environment.
In this sense, as users and consumers, we have to modify our attitudes and customs to achieve a much more sustainable Christmas. Keep in mind that our actions today will educate the example of tomorrow. For this reason, The Woman Post allows you to reflect and share with the family the same Christmas, but a little more sustainable.
Tips To Enjoy an Ecological Christmas in 2021
In these holidays of 2021, The Woman Post offers you some recommendations to incorporate a more sustainable Christmas at home and give the world your contribution. This contribution to the planet will make you feel satisfied that you created a better world. Think of it as great detail, that life in one way or another will let you know!
1. Ecological Christmas lights: Commonly, Christmas lights are implemented in trees, in mangers, in fireplaces, or in windows to decorate. However, it is not necessary to have them on at all times and every day, just turn them on when as a family you want to share a pleasant time and enjoy the Christmas lights. Also, keep in mind that LED lights spend much less electricity and are more efficient.
2. Recycled ornaments: Christmas is celebrated every year, but sometimes you buy things that can be recycled. You just have to have creativity and give the ornaments a different aspect, so that it is new again.
3. Decrease purchases: Keep in mind that to have an authentic green Christmas, you do not need to buy great gifts or new ornaments.
4. At Christmas the illusion of children is toys: You must choose toys that increase your knowledge and imagination.
5. Organic Christmas food: Try to weigh what you consume this will prevent you from throwing away the food. It is obvious that at Christmas you want to consume new foods such as ham bread, baked turkey, and Christmas Hallacas. However, some of these foods are not good for your health, because they have a lot of saturated fats. Implement healthier foods, just like in desserts. In addition, it is suggested to use 100% of the oven with several trays so that you cook efficiently.
6. The decorations are a significant point: Use the old ornaments you have at home, modify them with some different details and you will have a different decoration every year. This annual management is the key to an ecological Christmas.
7. The night of fairy tales: Everyone knows that the magic of Christmas nights is very meaningful to our children. In some countries, the arrival of the spirit of Christmas is celebrated on December 21. That night is magical since after it comes the arrival of the Divine Child Jesus. Some nations celebrate it between 10 p.m. and 12 p.m. and provide a Christmas dinner with thanks and requests, but usually, children make drawings with Christmas colors and are placed in the corner of memories.
The Woman Post wishes you the best green Christmas 2021 and a prosperous sustainable new year 2022.
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