Some people in various countries have found a way to reduce their impact on the environment while living a peaceful and sustainable life!
Some people in various countries have found a way to reduce their impact on the environment while living a peaceful and sustainable life!.
Living in busy cities is becoming more complicated every day since it implies long drives, increased pollution, and difficulties accessing green areas.
The Woman Post brings you a list of 5 ecovillages, that will make you question whether you should move away from big cities to live in small communities following ecological principles and at the same time reducing your impact on the environment. But what are ecovillages? According to the Global Ecovillage Network, "An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional, or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned participatory processes in all four dimensions of sustainability (social, culture, ecology, and economy) to regenerate social and natural environments."
1. Ecovillage at Ithaca, New York, USA
Ithaca is an ecovillage founded in 1991 and located in New York, which covers 70 hectares, with 100 homes and approximately 220 residents. It consists of 3 neighborhoods, Frog, Song, and Tree, and four organic farms. Their mission is to encourage experiential learning about ways of satisfying human needs for food, energy, shelter, livelihood, and social connectedness that do not affect the long-term health of our planet.
2. Findhorn Ecovillage, Scotland
Located in Moray, Scotland, this project began in the early 1980s by the Findhorn Foundation. It has obtained various awards, including the UN-Habitat Best Practice Designation in 1998. According to a study by Tinsley and colleagues, its residents have the lowest ecological footprint of any community measured so far in the developed world and also half of the UK average. Some of its main characteristics are ecological building, organic food production, use of renewable energies, and ecological wastewater treatment.
3. Guédé Chantier Ecovillage, Senegal
Located on the banks of the Doue River in the Senegal River valley, Guede Chantier is home to 7,000 people. The Project began in 1993 and has developed since then, irrigation-based agriculture. The village also has a center of genetic resources to provide seeds for local species which are given free to farmers. The village provides education on composting, seed production, and organic farming. They are moving to renewable energy with the use of biogas.
4. Crystal Waters Ecovillage, Australia
Located 26kms from Maleny or Woodford, Crystal Water Ecovillage is home to 250 people of all ages. It also has a wide variety of flora and fauna, including wallabies and kangaroos. The ecovillage was designed using permaculture principles and its objectives are to provide clean air, water, and soil; freedom of spiritual belief; to create a place for healthy play and recreation, and healthy shelter.
5. GAIA Ecovilla, Argentina
The ecological NGO Gaia, created in Argentina in 1992, developed a sustainable and ecological village about 120 kilometers away from Buenos Aires. The organization acquired 20 hectares of land to accommodate people in clay dwellings. The settlement follows permaculture principles and produces vegetables, fruits, bamboo, and seeds. It also contains a greenhouse and an auditorium for educational purposes. They use solar power, wind turbines, battery banks, and a human waste treatment system.
Gaia is open for visitors on guided tours and short stays!
So what are you waiting to explore options for living a sustainable lifestyle? It is never too late to start exploring new housing options to save the planet while taking care of your health and the wellbeing of your family!
Do you know more ecovillages to start a new life? Let us know by tagging us with the hashtag #TheWomanPost on social media. You can find us on Twitter and Instagram as @The_WomanPost, and on Facebook as The Woman Post.
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