Cecilia Porras Takes Colombian Academic Mission to Expo Dubai 2020

Cecilia Porras Takes Colombian Academic Mission to Expo Dubai 2020

In December 2021, Cecilia Porras, president of the Colombian Arab Chamber of Commerce, led the Colombian academic mission that represented this country at The RewirEd Summit in the scope of Expo Dubai 2020.

In December 2021, Cecilia Porras, president of the Colombian Arab Chamber of Commerce, led the Colombian academic mission that represented this country at The RewirEd Summit in the scope of Expo Dubai 2020.

During the visit to the Emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah, the delegation made up of more than 80 delegates from different universities, their rectors, vice-rectors, directors of international affairs and professors and representatives of the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, intend to establish relationships that result in strengthening and openness to change posed by the impetuous need to promote innovation for the future of academia. This wonderful experience is achieved thanks to the leadership of Dubai Cares and the support of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MOFAIC).

The Expo Dubai 2020 # hayyakum2020, welcomes 193 participating countries for six months, placing young people as the center of the activities that take place there, in its three thematic axes: Sustainability, Mobility, and Opportunity. The new links and approaches will be undoubtedly enriching material that will achieve the expected results under the new schemes in higher education. The training and generation of new researchers in key topics such as health sciences, renewable energies, the bio-economy, and biotechnology purposes proposed by the Ministry of National Education.

Cecilia Porras, a woman of overwhelming energy and unparalleled sympathy, is the one who for 11 years has presided over the Colombian Arab Chamber of Commerce, which was born as a result of the search for new horizons that motivated her to travel to that distant country to undertake an idea with the famous Colombian product, coffee and finding there love, family, her destiny, and a world that allows her to display all her talent and enrich international relations at all levels, being faithful to her slogan "We create relationships, we do business." More information about the valuable services and products can be consulted on the website www.ccac.com.co


The Woman Post was talking with Cecilia, who generously shared with us her immense joy and satisfaction for having achieved the support, acceptance, and involvement of the Min Education MEN to the academic agenda of the CCAC of high experiential value, and that through it was achieved the participation of state and private universities, made up of some rectors of the SUE (system of state universities), some members of CCYK (Colombia challenge your knowledge) and other universities, all members of ASCUN (The Association of Colombian Universities). On the other hand, the members of the SUE Caribe lived an extraordinary experience in the City of Cairo (Egypt) where they developed an agenda of immediate results, with the support of Ambassador Dr. Ana Milena Muñoz de Gaviria and her team, and the Ministry of Education.

In this conversation, we raise the unavoidable question about the role of women in the Arab world, about which there are many myths and paradigms. Islam raises a special consideration of respect and dignity for all.

Women are the basis of society, they are mothers, wives, and daughters and therefore worthy of being protected. They have such advantages as a special car in the subway, a line of taxis driven by Muslim women, a special area in the mosques, and many other things. The home revolves around women, they are professionals and hold managerial positions in the government. They enjoy all the equal rights that even Western women do not yet have, they recognize in their husband the leader of the household, fulfilling a role of ideal companion with whom they share the education of their children. The woman is not required to spend her income at home. This responsibility corresponds to the man as a provider and responsible for the family and is written in all the sacred books. Contrary to popular belief in the West, Muslim women are far from being relegated and even repressed.

Regarding clothing, the use of the abaya and hijab is seen as a symbol of protection and dignity and not of repression as is commonly believed. Its use is voluntary; each girl decides to use it or not in her adolescence. To learn a little more about this reality, click here.

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