In the 21st century, the events for humanity at a global level have represented multiple and strong challenges. What has been and will be the key to overcoming them?
In the 21st century, the events for humanity at a global level have represented multiple and strong challenges. What has been and will be the key to overcoming them?.
The pandemic, unemployment, political changes, the challenges for virtual education have represented for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or economic or social situation, the need to make fundamental adjustments to their lifestyle.
When we talk about resilience, it is still a term that sounds unfamiliar to some. In general, it can be described as the process of adapting positively to adversity, trauma, tragedies, threats, or significant sources of stress, such as illness or loss of a loved one.
Around us, we have people that we admire or who could give us an example according to the way they have solved these situations and that we call resilient. And it is not that they do not have fears, anxieties, or difficulties. What characterizes them in their way of handling and overcoming them. The good news is that we can all develop resilience!
Here are some guidelines that emerge from some reading:
-Become aware of our strengths and weaknesses: Let's promote what helps us, gives us the impetus to get ahead.
-Being creative means turning situations around to seek solutions and not just staying with the complaint.
-Trust our talents: We all have something for which we stand out. Let's take advantage of those talents to consider options.
-Do not faint: Let's not allow situations to wrap us up and lead us to feelings of desolation and sadness.
-Enjoy alternative plans: If you cannot develop your usual routine, plan something different, new that gives you emotional and physical well-being.
-Remain objective and optimistic: Objectivity allows better visualization of the events and possible solution alternatives.
-Do not pretend to change situations: What we can genuinely propose is to modify our emotions in the face of different situations and thus control their impact on us.
-Establish clear purposes: Staying firm on what you want to achieve and how far to go will allow you to draw up an action plan to follow.
-See life with humor: It will always be a balm, even when you think there will be no way out or a quick response. Don't lose your sense of humor.
-Social support: Always open dialogue, sharing communities of similar interests will allow exchanging tastes, thoughts, and enriching conversations.
Let's look at our loved ones, our children and talk to them about resilience. Let's encourage them to document it, to read and listen to videos about the subject, and they will surely receive a phrase, some words that can help them develop it.
No particular technique is required to be resilient. It is a lifestyle decision and the perspective with which we observe, evaluate, analyze and accept the circumstances. And so we can be people whom our relatives from family or work, our children, and relatives can determine as someone resilient, reliable, and safe in the face of difficult times.
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