Even without being medical professionals, we know that vitamins are essential to keep us healthy, but do we really know the details of what these vitamins contribute to the body?
Even without being medical professionals, we know that vitamins are essential to keep us healthy, but do we really know the details of what these vitamins contribute to the body?.
Today The Woman Post gives prominence to Vitamin D: What is it for? How do we get it? What does it bring to the female body? Can you consume it indiscriminately, or is it better to consult a doctor? Here are the answers!
Let's talk from you to you! Let's start by understanding that Vitamin D is a paragon of virtues you should know because it is a nutrient that the female body needs. Its job is to help the body carry out the calcium absorption process, a decisive substance for you to have healthy teeth nails, and strong bones so that you can win the small battles you impose on yourself every day.
And since life is a process, the divine moments of fullness that childhood and youth offer, one-day end, and you go to that decisive stage in which you will collect the bill for having done the right thing to enjoy calm and peaceful adulthood without major health problems. That's why today is the day you should become aware of how decisive the consumption of Vitamin D is to be happy and stay healthy.
Vitamin D not only provides strength to your bones, but it also helps the muscles and nerves maintain fluid communication between the brain and the movement of the different body parts. It also fights against bacteria and viruses that, on a daily basis, fight to affect you.
Where Is That Lucky Daily Appointment You Always Have Pending With Vitamin D?
Much of the milk of animal origin that you consume contains it, but you must consult the labels of the brands you buy to determine its presence. It may also be in plant-based milk such as almond, oat, or soy milk and is included by some food manufacturers in kinds of margarine, yogurt, and orange juice. You can consume Vitamin D naturally in fish such as tuna, salmon, and trout. You can also find it on the beef liver, eggs, and some types of cheese.
Sun and Vitamin D
Some call D "the sunlight vitamin," and the reason is simple: When you are directly exposed to the sun's rays, the body produces it naturally, but this capacity decreases significantly as the years go by.
Consult your doctor regarding the time you should spend sunbathing. If you are one of those women who constantly protect themselves when leaving the house, talk to them about the consequences of permanently keeping your body and head covered. Are you limiting the absorption process of vitamin D that your body needs? If you experience bone pain and your muscles are weak, you may not be going to your encounters with the sun as you should be.
Its Dark Side
Does Vitamin D have a dark side? Yes! And you could experience it in your body if you self-medicate. Although it is easy to walk to the pharmacy and buy supplements containing it, it is not advisable to do so. Vitamin supplements, even over-the-counter, must be prescribed by a doctor.
What happens if you ignore this recommendation? The unmeasured consumption of Vitamin D, combined with the absence of the advice of a medical professional, can lead you to experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, weak muscles, the appearance of kidney stones, excessive frequency of visits to the bathroom to urinate, confusion, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration.
If your body shows high concentrations of Vitamin D due to the effects of self-medication, you could lead directly to arrhythmia, kidney failure, and death. So what should you do? Moderately enjoy sunny spaces and pamper your body by eating foods that contain vitamin D. If you need additional doses, your doctor will tell you what to do.
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