The Roche Pharmaceutical Award reaches its tenth edition, highlighting health journalism
The Roche Pharmaceutical Award reaches its tenth edition, highlighting health journalism in the categories: digital journalism, with 420 works received, daily coverage with 169, and sound journalism with 112, all organized in conjunction with the Gabo Foundation.
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Among the pre-jurors we can quote several women with very interesting careers who evaluated the works, both individual and collective, to leave among the selected ones the one that will finally receive a prize of five thousand dollars represented in a scholarship for studies. If the winner is a team, the members must select the beneficiary. A brief overview of them:
Sarah Azoubel is a doctor in biology and a specialist in scientific journalism. She co-hosts and produces the podcast 37 Graus, in whose broadcasts she analyzes mysteries about the world around us. She winner of the Roche Award for Health Journalism 2021, in the Daily Coverage category, with the work 'Epidemia'.
Priscilla Pacheco. Co-founder and former deputy director of Mural – Agência de Jornalismo das Periferias. She currently works as a fact checker. As a freelance, she has done reports for the Polish website, for the American magazine AARP and Vice Brasil. Winner of the ICFJ (International Center for Journalists) award in the health category in 2021.
Glenda Giron. Journalist, with 20 years of experience. Since 2009 she has been an editor at La Prensa Gráfica. Winner in 2022 of the Europa Coopera national award, in the written press, with a mention in the podcast. Nominated in 2021 for the Gabo Award and her work, 'Comunidades intoxicadas', stood out as one of the 10 best journalistic coverages in Latin America. Award for Journalistic Excellence from the Inter-American Press Association, in the category of In-Depth Journalism. Honorable mention in the Roche Award for Health Journalism.
Eve Knight. Degree in Information Sciences, specializing in journalism, from the University of the Basque Country – UPV-EHU. University expert in science communication from the Public University of Navarra – UPNA.
Since 2010, she has directed the science popularization program La Mecanica del Caracol on Radio Euskadi (EITB Media). Tecnalia Prize for journalism Research and Technological Innovation, Radio section. Personalized and precision medicine journalism award – Fundación Instituto Roche. Basque Journalism Award, environmental journalism category.
Cecilia Rosen. Researcher, teacher, and journalist specializing in science, technology, innovation, health, and environment, with 15 years of experience. Doctor in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). She has a Master's degree in Science Communication from Imperial College London and a degree in Communication Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNAM, where since November 2019 she coordinates communication activities at the Institute of Cellular Physiology.
Tanya Montalvo. Journalists graduated with a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Information Media from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Editorial deputy director at the Mexican digital media Animal Politico, since 2017. Editorial coordinator of the report 'La Estafa Maestra', winner of the Ortega y Gasset Award for Ibero-American Journalism; of the National of Journalism, and finalist of the Gabo Prize. She spearheaded the 2018 Verified project, winning the 2018 Online Journalism Award and the 2018 World Digital Media Award.
Amanda Marton Ramaciotti. Journalist. South American Migration Journalism Award (IOM) 2021 and the Journalism Without Labels Award (Acnur). In 2022, she received a scholarship from Oxfam and the Gabo Foundation for research on inequality in the distribution of care work and the socioeconomic implications in Latin America and the Caribbean. Staff journalist for the International section of El Mercurio. Currently editorial coordinator of the digital medium La Clinica.
Liz Gascón. Journalist graduated from the Fermín Toro University. She is currently a correspondent for El Pitazo, a native digital medium that faces censorship, official opacity, and website blockades ordered by the Venezuelan State.
Participant in the journalistic projects 'Mujeres en la Vitrina', winner of the 2019 Gabo Award in the Innovation category; 'Generacion del Hambre', winner of Ortega y Gasset 2019, in the best multimedia coverage category; 'Fraude Vertical', second place in the 2020 Investigative Journalism Award, granted by the Press and Society Institute (Ipys), and 'Voces del desamparo', honorable mention in the 2019 SIP Award. He produced the podcast 'Condenados a morir de Turbeculosis ', winner of the Roche Award 2020, in the Sound Journalism category.
The Woman Post applauds this initiative of the private company to include women in the journalistic exercise and especially in the digital environment, with which they motivate the new generations.
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