Cleantech Hub Open Call for Women Entrepreneurs in Climate Action

Cleantech Hub Open Call for Women Entrepreneurs in Climate Action

According to the UN, currently, 80% of people displaced by climate change are women

Due to their greater dependence on natural resources and their exclusion from decision-making processes in many countries.

In Colombia, according to a report by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 54% of poor people in Colombia are women and the same report indicates that women in Colombia have less access to basic services, such as water and sanitation, making them more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

This leads to ringing alarm bells and a sense of urgency, to seek jointly, the business sector, trade unions, nonprofits, international cooperation, and government, agile and high-impact initiatives that help generate processes of adaptation, resilience, and climate justice. The business sector is one of the key players in this transition. With triple impact models, where not only the economic result is relevant, but also the social and environmental effect, they are the most attractive models for consumers, industry innovation, and financing organizations that only want to invest in this type of company. Even more interesting is to see that it is the same women who are leading these companies with a high climate and social impact that are paving the way for the transition towards a more sustainable and just future. They build and lead more inclusive and equitable companies by challenging gender inequalities in the business world and of course, with clear objectives and goals that seek their work to solve the climate crisis that the planet is facing.

Cleantech HUB, an organization of European origin, established in Colombia and Mexico as the Cleantech Hub Foundation, has the objective of promoting innovative ventures and ecosystems towards climate action for an inclusive and sustainable future, in Latin America and the Caribbean (LATAC) More information on CleantechHUB at:

Since 2019, this mission has been projected from Colombia to the rest of the Latin American and Caribbean region (LATAC), being authorized operators of the EIT-Climate-KIC programs (www. European organization that works to accelerate the transition towards a society resilient to climate change and without carbon emissions, based on collaboration in knowledge and innovation.

Currently, programs are offered that respond to 4 phases of support for the entrepreneurial path and contributions to strengthening the ecosystem. INCUBATION: ClimateLaunchpad: the largest green ideas contest in the world. ACCELERATION: ClimAccelerator: the only accelerator in Colombia aimed solely at green companies. IDEAS: Climathon. An ideation that takes place in more than 600 cities. CONNECTIONS & MARKET PLACE

We can name women who have participated in their programs and who today continue to promote their companies and business models beyond the border: Nadia Pfeiffer from Seos Energy, who has made investment funds fall in love; Daniela Carvajal from Calo Jabones, leading a company not only of a circular economy but of environmental education and sustainability; Johanna Montenegro of Servel, bringing clean energy refrigeration solutions to large bottlers; Viviana Bohórquez from CarbonBox, which provides clarity and transparency in the measurement and validation of the positive climate impact generated by companies participating in CleantechHUB’s ClimAccelerator acceleration program.

CleantechHUB is looking for more women to join participation in its programs and especially its accelerator ClimAccelerator with an open call until March 5-2023.

With ClimAccelerator, they will be provided with support to accelerate the traction of their companies, measure their impact with proven methodologies and independent validations, strengthen their triple impact business model and with a gender lens, to vision with madness and make the plan to make it happen. hand in hand with potential allies and investors, who dream like us to promote (our phrase) Today, women entrepreneurs are demonstrating that business success and sustainability can go hand in hand, promoting significant changes in their companies and communities to reduce the carbon footprint, promote renewable energy and foster the circular economy.

For The Woman Post, sharing these calls is of great value and importance, to support spaces that promote female entrepreneurship!

Apply now! : https:/ the call for business ideas will open soon. More information through the CleantechHUB social networks (@cleantechhubcol) or by registering on its waiting list at https:/

Contact: Gabriela Figueroa Hernández at 313 807 5900

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