Under the motto "Human security strategy" the current president of Colombia Gustavo Petro, proposes to recruit more women in the army by the year 2023.
This is how with the recruitment actions, it is projected that, of the 60,000 people who join, at least the number of women will be at least 5,184, counting on the 1,296 that are part of the first contingent in February 2023, of the four of the year.
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Of the 200,000 members of the ranks, there are only 1,212 officers and 973 female non-commissioned officers so far. President Petro recently appointed Brigadier General Yackeline Navarro Ordóñez as deputy director of the Colombian National Police, the second woman to hold this position, but no women have yet arrived at the military leadership.
Internationally, the percentage of women in the military varies widely: India at 3%, the UK at 10%, France at 15%, Sweden at 13%, the US at 16%, Canada at 15.3%, South Africa at 27%, and Argentina at 12%.
Despite this inclusion initiative, men are assigned preferentially when facing battles and taking the lead, relegating women to other tasks, considering them more vulnerable in some way.
The United States Marine Corps advanced a study in 2015, according to which women were significantly injured twice as often as men, had lower rates in terms of accuracy with infantry weapons, and were not as effective at the time. to rescue wounded troops on the battlefield.
Norway 2021 published a study in which they randomly assigned men to mixed-gender squads and found interesting findings since the men did not perform negatively or feel less satisfied with their service, either during training camp or their assignment military. In addition, men in these integrated teams developed more equality-oriented attitudes.
On the other hand, a big challenge that women in the ranks have to face is the firm in which they have to put up with how their peers and even society classify them when they express themselves as lesbians or tomboys and even confront them with activities that involve great physical effort.
It is very interesting to review the notes of the author of On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society, Coronal Dave Grossman, who notes that the Israeli soldiers reacted with aggressive and protective signs when having a wounded companion. When the Islamic military was taken hostage by a woman, they preferred to die before surrendering to them.
The United States argued that civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq confront them and challenge their authority, while children and women prefer to engage in relationships and conversations with female soldiers over men.
The reflection is also addressed to the need expressed by women in terms of not wanting their military career to conflict with their vocation to start a family and have children.
The answer will lie in the allocation of women in the military, taking into account a clear evaluation of their optimal performance in accordance with their abilities and talents, thus strengthening their bond.
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