When many voices come together to raise a voice of protest against injustice by breaking the silence, the individual cry ceases to be mute.
When many voices come together to raise a voice of protest against injustice by breaking the silence, the individual cry ceases to be mute.
Today November 25 marks The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and many organizations around the world come together to set a precedent.
Deciding to speak up to denounce the different types of abuse and aggression is the first step to publicize and highlight the situations in which many women are involved by different types of violence, whether is psychological, social, patrimonial, economic, physical, sexual, work, domestic, obstetric, or online.
Since many women around the world decided to break the silence to talk about the abuse of which they were victims, the situation began to become visible in the world and the #MeToo movement is a clear example of this. For this reason, it is that today, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, it is important to recognize all women who, through their social, political, economic, cultural, sports, or work position in which they have preponderant places visibility have given voice to those who could not do it before.
The #MeToo campaign, started by Hollywood workers in 2017. Denouncing sexual and workplace violence, gave impetus to what is now "A Historic Moment" at the workplace level for women, as mentioned by the Swiss Jean-Jacques Elmiger, who chaired the debates for the approval of the first international agreement banning violence and harassment in the workplace and which was adopted by The International Labour Organization (ILO) on November 19 of this year, and includes the principle of sanctions against violence and workplace harassment.
The ILO was created in 1919 and calls unions, employers, and governments of 187 countries and at the moment in which the countries ratify the text, the convention will become mandatory and will enter into strict compliance, one year after being ratified in each country, what shows how to break the silence and speak has overwhelming effects.
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we celebrate this great achievement in relation to combating violence and workplace harassment against women, in the member countries of the ILO and we call on all women in the world to continue denouncing any type of violence and take action to get away from this type of behavior, so that together we can eliminate this scourge and inherit self-respecting behaviors from our daughters and family members to regain our dignity as women.
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