How To Choose a Job You Deserve

How To Choose a Job You Deserve

During the last two years, due to the pandemic, human beings have reconsidered many aspects of their lives, including the work aspect and everything that entails deciding to opt for a job.

During the last two years, due to the pandemic, human beings have reconsidered many aspects of their lives, including the work aspect and everything that entails deciding to opt for a job.

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Different characteristics of the labor supply must be evaluated when choosing not to deteriorate our quality of life in exchange for a monetary income. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a job:

1. Does it give you autonomy? According to the position and the functions you will carry out, it is imperative to streamline decision-making processes. Having sufficient freedom to demonstrate results in the short, medium, and long term reduces the stress and anxiety levels generated by depending on more than third parties.

2. Do you have a collaborative work team? Management indices in organizations largely depend on the proper formation of work teams. So having a good team at work is essential.

3. Is the salary commensurate with the functions that you will perform? With the massive layoffs and retirements of personnel in companies, organizations have restructured job profiles and the list of functions and responsibilities, so it is essential to check if the salary is consistent with this.

4. Can you innovate? Depending on personality traits, character, and professional training, for many women, it is essential to be able to innovate, create and implement new ways of doing things within companies, to feel genuinely productive and satisfied with their work performance. If you are one of them and the characteristics of the job allow you to innovate, you will surely minimize the risk of feeling frustrated.

5. Can you express what you think and feel? A company's work environment, among other indices, is measured by the turnover rates of its employees. Suppose a company historically has high rates of staff turnover. In that case, it is an indicator of the prevailing leadership style and type of corporate governance, which often prevents employees from expressing how they feel or what they think. To opt for a job, you must carefully review this item to ensure you feel comfortable with your new path.

6. Is it an inclusive company? A company with clear inclusion parameters does not judge you by your appearance, go further in the evaluation and selection, so in the preliminary investigation of your new employer, you should review this area of ​​its corporate governance so that your rights are respected.

7. Do you receive adequate feedback? Knowing the type of feedback that a company has and the performance evaluation system that it uses for it is vital to guarantee equitable treatment that provides you with greater stability and work peace of mind.


8. Can you choose to alternate face-to-face and virtual? With the new challenges that have arisen with the pandemic and the semi-attendance and alternation of children at school and kindergartens, for many women, it is necessary to have flexibility in working hours, to attend to housework and care, and child care. So then, this is one of the essential aspects for many women and men who share housework responsibilities.

In conclusion, making a good selection of your work will benefit your physical, mental, emotional, family, economic and social health, so taking the time to evaluate the aspects above will contribute to a better quality of life.

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