Meet in The Woman Post the best podcasts of women who want to transform the vision of other women, to create a social and sustainable approach among all of us.
Recently a study called “State of the podcast in Spanish – 2021 Report” conducted by the iVoox Observatory revealed that 55% of users claim a higher consumption of podcasts, due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The data collected indicates that 30% of the daily installations at iVoox have increased since the lockdown began. Around 800 new podcasts were created, of which 48% are women listeners of audio in Spanish. In addition, in 2020, 900,000 podcasts were created worldwide, which equates to a staggering 2 podcasts per minute.
The findings show that multitasking audios were one of the strengths that allowed listeners to perform other tasks. The multitasking audio that occupied the first place with 82.67% is doing household chores, then follows by 73.80% rest audios, then in third place with 67.99% walking audios, with 66.36% kitchen audio and with 55.75% audios before sleeping. In addition, 53.72% of users listen to audios when driving, 52.12% listen to audios when they travel, 49.81% listen to audios when they play sports, 44.74% listen to audios when working and 33.72% listen to audios when showering. Even, 47.5% of users share with their friends or acquaintances the content that interests them, not to mention that they use several platforms to listen to podcasts. That’s why The Woman Post shows you the best podcasts of women activists with a vision of the future.
Liderando La Marea
Women’s voices in action on climate change
A new podcast recently came out in 2022 called “Liderando La Marea” and they are voices of women in action in the face of climate change. Each episode of the podcast expresses that women are agents of change at all levels of climate action and has climate issues and different approaches from women leaders in our region who narrate their experiences and interests.
The leaders who participate in the podcast emphasize 3 key points, which are gender equality to achieve a just and inclusive transition, eradicating gender biases and opening space for women with STEM careers, and providing innovative climate solutions for women.
Andrea García Salinas, Consultant in IDB Invest’s Advisory Services Division, focuses on stories of sustainable recovery, decarbonization, adaptation, resilience, nature, and biodiversity.
Tramas Maestras
Society and culture
Tramas Maestras is a cultural space of women that performs humor analysis of social series and the influence of cinema, but with a gender focus. The program guides women based on tools and strategies that are implemented by screenwriters. In addition, Tramas Maestras is a feminist radio podcast with a particular style, its transmissions can be heard on iVoox, Apple Podcasts, Spotify,, Cadena SER, and from the website of Ágora Sol Radio.
Estirando el Chicle
Interviews and social content with comedies
it is a space that shares interviews and social content with disruptive language and perspective. The key to the podcast is the humor that they broadcast recognized in the Ondas Awards 2021 for the Best Podcast or Digital Broadcast.
Sangre Fucsia
We love radio as a way to hear, communicate and unite
Sangre Fucsia is a group of women to carry out a personal project, and from there a podcast with a feminist look was born. The name of the program comes from a visceral desire, as strong and intense as blood and tinged with a fuchsia that encompasses and goes beyond the violet, red-and-black, and pink, rainbow, expresses the girls on the official website. In addition, they consider that fuchsia relates them to all struggles, from self-criticism and humor.
On the other hand, they work horizontally, choose the topics and distribute the tasks among all. The space together with collaborators of Píkara Magazine makes retransmission in other radios, such as Red Nosotras en el Mundo, Radio Almaina, Radio Topo, and Radio Kras.
Overwhelmingly, a recent study called “Women Is Driving a Significant Increase in Podcast Engagement” conducted and published by Nielsen revealed the participation and engagement that women acquire in podcasts. The data collected indicates that the growth of podcasts became a phenomenon to reach other women.
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