Pakistani Women and Their Future in the Digital Economy

Pakistani Women and Their Future in the Digital Economy

Since 2020, a global digital organization promotes social prosperity by intervening and developing the digital economy in Pakistan.

Since 2020, a global digital organization promotes social prosperity by intervening and developing the digital economy in Pakistan.

The global multilateral aims to promote and provide access to all member countries, such as Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, to a great digital transformation. These nations have been the key pieces for the digital future that marked 2021. In addition, The Digital Cooperation Organization hopes that other countries will be integrated into its value strategies so that more women in the world are linked to the digital economy.

The organization seeks to create a sustainable change that lasts over time and with the support of other entities to increase the workforce for the female gender. As well as, the development of new perspectives and initiatives that seeks an emergence in innovation and diversification of the labor market.

A report published by the International Labour Organization (ILO), revealed that in recent years there has been significant progress, especially in Pakistan attributed to the intervention and great management made by the female gender. However, low participation is also noted due to mobility limitations, access to beneficial work, and discrimination or harassment towards women.

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The most recent report on the "Digital Economy 2021 of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Overview," indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the process of digital transformation. The report proposes an approach and broadening of the international debate to achieve a multilateral consensus. In addition, mitigation of data abuse in all sectors, both public and private, is urgently required.

On the other hand, the data collected show new and innovative forms of global governance to create a new context where women's participation is full in all countries. Likewise, the critical voice of all developed or non-developed nations achieves valuable inclusive results to take advantage of the great advantages of the digital economy.


Education and Digitalization Is the Most Forceful Way To Attract Women to This New World

A recent article published by the World Bank shows that girls currently face various obstacles in education caused by poverty, laws, and culture. The data collected indicates that the important thing is to ensure that girls learn to compete like anyone else in the labor market. The findings reveal that women who achieve a higher level of education tend to be healthier because incomes are higher.

According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the World Education Monitoring Report (GEM), reveal that 263 million girls are out of school, that is, a quarter of the population. Of course, they highlight the enormous challenges faced by poor girls. In Pakistan they have the greatest disparity at the expense of girls, with fewer than 90 girls enrolled, for every 100 boys. However, experts say that girls who face multiple disadvantages, including low incomes, rural residences, disabilities, or ethnic origins, have no access to education, and even or worse, do not complete their studies.

On the other hand, poor services in their home, the lack of diversification in the infrastructures that allow them to better education (libraries, research cyber, among others), violence, and fragility also influence.

In short, despite all these data that emphasize the problems that Pakistan drags, the Organization for Digital Cooperation (DCO) is today responsible for considerably increasing social prosperity with the help of the digital economy. In addition, to promote common interests and digital change that provides benefits to Pakistani women.

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