There Is No Reason for Women Having Lower Salaries

There Is No Reason for Women Having Lower Salaries

Do you wonder what is currently going on with careers and gender equality? Besides, if there are more prepared women, why are they not in the labor market?

Do you wonder what is currently going on with careers and gender equality? Besides, if there are more prepared women, why are they not in the labor market?.

These responses translate into the fatal remuneration that women receive in jobs and the instability generated by universities. However, gender equality has been a slow process not only in university studies but also in labor insertion.

A study called "Women do better at university, but access less stable jobs and 9.5% lower paid than men" published by the BBVA Foundation, revealed that more than 55% of students are female. However, their academic performance is not recognized in the labor market. But, now if they have the same education, why do men get 60% of the contracts in the labor market and women only 46%?

Indeed, according to the report, this is because they earn 9.5% less than men, that is, 2,624 euros per year less, an important amount for a woman who has a family in charge. This is contradictory when it is reflected that they access the university with an average of 8.98 and men of 8.57, this difference differs by 4.8%. Even, usually, 33% of the grades are above 10 out of 14 in the female gender and 27% in the male.

Concerning the working day, the gap is in both sexes when it comes to the years of graduates or the experience they can have, that is, 85.8% in men and for women, it is 74.3%. Likewise, 50.2% of men occupy a position according to their professional title, but women 46.7% and the worst thing is that it is reduced to 61.3% even to 60.3% when they spend 4 years of graduation.


The figures of the analysis indicate that in the profession of manufacturing industry, the percentage difference for men is 15%. In the case of social sciences and behavior is 13%. In the careers of commercial education, administration, and law, the percentage is 12%. Even architecture, construction, agriculture, livestock, and fishing range between 11% and 10%.

In short, despite the academic performance and the same level of education of university women, they are penalized and discriminated against to the point of having an unfavorable employment situation.

Even Female Students Who Earn Outstanding Grades Still Won't Get the Job

The author Adela Molina published an article on the website Cadenaser and in it, she suggests that women suffer more precariousness and salaries are worse because 47.7% of salaried men have indefinite contracts. However, women only 40.1% have temporary contracts.

Experts consider that the wage gap reaches 20% in favor of men, including careers linked to women. In addition, inequality is even more shown in public universities, that is, only 4 out of 50 universities are led by women rectors, which are reduced to only 8%. However, in the 26 private universities, there are 7 women rectors, which represents 26%.

Finally, Ana María F. Almeida shows how complicated it is for teachers to remain in positions of high power or directives in universities. However, the professional addressed the restructuring of 5 rectories, of which 3 of them have female teachers. These actions indicate that women suffer constant disadvantages at all levels of the profession, including in labor markets, according to author Fabricio Marques who published an article in Journal Pesquisa.

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