Pay attention to the warning signs for the diagnosis of colon cancer

Pay attention to the warning signs for the diagnosis of colon cancer

Following healthy lifestyle habits is one of the keys to preventing colorectal cancer, the fourth most common cancer in the Americas region and affecting over 50% of women

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), colorectal cancer is a disease that has recorded over 1.9 million new cases worldwide and is responsible for over 935,000 deaths each year. In the Americas, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) estimates that over 240,000 new cases are recorded each year, and approximately 112,000 deaths are due to this disease, which is estimated to have an incidence of up to 60 % of the population by 2030.

This is a disease that can be detected early if diagnostic tests are performed in time. Therefore, the recommendation of the WHO is to start tests such as fecal occult blood tests, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy between the ages of 45 and 50. In the case of women, symptoms are usually recorded at an earlier age.

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The keys to fighting this type of cancer include maintaining a healthy diet high in fiber, fruits, cereals, and a balance in the consumption of red meats, as well as drinking water regularly every day. Regular physical activity is another general measure to maintain good health.

"This pathology requires a higher level of attention in terms of prevention, identification of signs, and timely management, as in some cases, signs can be confused," said Dr. Miller Lasso, an oncology specialist who points out the warning signs:

Changes in bowel habits may involve diarrhea, constipation, or a change in stool color.

Feeling the need to constantly evacuate without relief.

Persistent rectal bleeding.

Intense and recurrent abdominal cramps or pain. Weakness or fatigue.

Spontaneous weight loss exceeding 10% of body mass.

Iron deficiency is known as Anemic Syndrome.

It occurs when healthy colon cells develop alterations, forming a tumor that invades and destroys nearby normal tissue. "Although an exact cause is not known, there are some variables that make a patient more prone to developing it. For example, when there is a family history of colon cancer, in patients with polyps or chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon, in people with an imbalanced diet, excessive consumption of red and processed meats, as well as a history of diabetes, obesity, alcohol or tobacco consumption," adds Dr. Miller.

Therefore, Do not ignore the signs of colon cancer,  establish prevention actions in your daily life, such as regular check-ups or diagnostic studies from the age of 45 and beyond, as there is a higher probability of developing colon and rectal cancer from this age onwards.

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