“The reality shows that there is no unisex brain”

“The reality shows that there is no unisex brain”

Neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine has returned with a new edition of "The Female Brain," which calls on society to move away from gender equality models in the growth of women

"The assumption that women and men are the same not only harms both sexes but ultimately harms women," warns Brizendine in her latest research on the female brain.

Recognized for her in-depth analysis of the male brain, Brizendine now draws attention to the societal models on women that are far from their brain biology by imposing unisex models that only "root the fear of discrimination based on difference, and for many years, notions about sex were not scientifically examined for fear that women could not claim equality with men," argues the author.

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After examining the development of the brain from birth, through adolescence, motherhood, and mature women, the neuropsychiatrist and founder of the Women's and Teen Girls' Mood and Hormonal Clinic calls on society to understand the chemical changes in the brain that should be incorporated into the planning and creation of any proyect.

"One of the challenges of modern times is to help society better support our natural abilities and female needs," says Brizendine.

Did you know that the human brain begins as female and becomes male eight weeks after conception when an excess of testosterone decreases the communication center, reduces the cortex of hearing, and doubles the part of the brain that processes sex?

This is just one of the findings analyzed in the publication of Salamandra Editorial of Penguin Random House, which seeks to show that the peculiar structure of the female brain determines how women think, what they value, how they communicate, and who they love.

The research is expected to guide decisions in the field of gender studies, as understanding the biology specific to the female gender will allow for better planning of the future of women around the world.

"When so many women have gained control over fertility and achieved economic independence, we can create a roadmap for the path ahead. This means introducing revolutionary changes in society and our personal choice of partner, career, and when to have children," she says.

Brizendine believes that social demands and models of "success" have prolonged the biological stages of life that lead women to "force their biological clock," leading to "prolonged struggles due to overload of brain circuits," all due to the clash between study, professional growth, and motherhood.

"Understanding what happens in our brain in each phase is an important first step in controlling our destiny," so it would be ideal to move beyond the times of gender equality since there is no unisex brain, as well as the perpetuation of the mythical masculine norm that "implies ignoring the real biological differences of women in gravity, vulnerability, and treatment of diseases. It also disregards the different ways in which they process ideas and therefore perceive what is important."

The research, which was published ten years ago and has been updated and translated for modern times, is a key document in defining gender-sensitive policies and projects that societies need to evolve and move forward.


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