Moon Day and Lunar Cycles: Do you Know How they Influence your Health?

Moon Day and Lunar Cycles: Do you Know How they Influence your Health?

Lunar cycles influence human beings more than you might imagine. We tell you about their effects on your health

Lunar cycles influence human beings more than you might imagine. We tell you about their effects on your health.

The idea that the moon affects human beings is nothing new. It is not uncommon to find in various literary narratives clear examples of how it could influence decisions or even make the protagonists of all kinds of stories behave like beasts. It is no surprise then that the word “lunatic,” which is used to refer to a person who is insane at intervals, comes from the Latin “lunaticus,” meaning “moon.”

While this has been treated as a popular belief, the truth is that, scientifically, the moon impacts humans. This is because it depends on the moon whether the oceans rise or fall, which directly affects the reproductive cycles of marine species. Although few studies focus on how the moon relates to human behavior, several scientists have been able to establish relationships.

Its Relationship with Blood Pressure

A 2013 study by Vidyasagar University in India found that blood pressure dropped during the new and full moon. Athletic performance was also improved by faster heart rate recovery after physical activity. It should be noted that this has yet to be proven, as other studies have also shown that there is no link between lunar cycles and athletic performance.

Another study published in 2022 in the Journal of Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery found an increased risk of type A aortic dissection surgeries when performed during the complete moon phase. This, in turn, would be related to the lack of sleep produced by this part of the lunar cycle.

Also read: Want to Sleep Better? 5 Natural Ways to Increase Melatonin Levels

The Effects on Sleep

In the last decade, several studies have shown the relationship between the complete moon phase and getting less deep sleep. It also generates a longer rapid eye movement (REM) latency, the period between falling asleep and entering the rapid eye movement stage of sleep. In other words, a longer latency means reaching this stage of sleep is more complicated. In this sense, it would be more difficult to achieve deep sleep and, consequently, better rest during the full moon, which could be related to mood swings.

The moon and Mental Health

According to a 2017 study by Thomas Wehr, a psychiatrist and sleep researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States, three of the lunar phases were found to be directly related to the moods of bipolar people, especially sudden mood swings. That is, from depression to mania and vice versa in days or even hours.

However, there are popular beliefs that haircuts, according to the lunar calendar, are good for hair care and allow for more and better hair growth. However, several studies have disproved this claim.

We wish you a happy moon day and invite you to explore your relationship with the moon.

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